Anton Gully

So you start with the people who actually physically tested it, and then sum up with people citing the “facts” the first group disproved?

The mushrooms “soak up” water in minimal amounts, its mostly clinging to the surface. If this were a factor wild mushrooms would be a no go because they get rained on. And a lot of

We're already in hell. The worst part? We're STILL surrounded by these pricks.

Right. But in the interest of ensuring that nobody is misled, I’ve changed the headline from “The Witcher’s Author Says He Doesn’t Get One Cent From The Games’ Success” to “The Witcher’s Author Says He Screwed Himself Out Of Profiting Off The Games.”

Counter-counter-counterpoint: Sony was only able to jump on the VR bandwagon so quickly because they could reuse proven hardware they’d already designed, manufactured, and abandoned years ago.

Kind of a low ranking for the Fridge. At a minimum, I’m sure he’s well versed in EnergySTAR certification, which has to count for something at DOE.

What was the purpose of this post other than mental illness click bait? “Look, here’s a guy who hit rock bottom, how fascinating!” No context, no story, just “funny weird picture that will get us traffic.” He’s not in the public eye anymore so definitely not newsworthy. I love Deadspin but come on, this is the kind of

It’s likely due to:

i get that Kevin Johnson is kinda a dick, but why are the words “self-defense” or “in retaliation to” not anywhere in this piece? it wasn’t an unprovoked, random attack.

Way to miss the point

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life

If they want to monitize the video and make money off it yes. I have to say its a bit silly when you see a commercial for a video for a camera and then the person in the video goes on a 20 minute rant about how BLM is ruining the world, why would cannon cameras want to be associated with that?

This assumes they actually serve a purpose. Seeing that 99% of the things in this game don't, I think it's a safe guess to assume they're working as intended (by having no function).

To be fair patents like this from the 90s could be fairly broad strokes because the internet was still largely in it’s infancy, and BT did actually spend a lot of money building big parts of it physically and developing contributory technology it relies on that now gets used globally.

I guess they tried to reach Valve through their customer service section.

Passionate Colonoscopy was already taken.

>The games are selling in the 10s of thousands
VR is still stupendously expensive for an average Joe. And even if someone has money, the incentive is kinda low. I mean why would anyone buy it apart from a few showcase games and few AAA titles that actually support VR. It needs a system seller.

I bet you also lament our huge prison population...

It sure says a lot that despite the fact that her cousin murdered his dad with a light saber, she’s still regarded as the biggest asshole in the entire family.