Anton Gully

Stone and Steele have been assigned?

They could easily have cut 3-4 episodes of material and made the show tighter, more visceral and fun to watch.

That’s why Football in the Groin is such a timeless classic.

So you start with the people who actually physically tested it, and then sum up with people citing the “facts” the first group disproved?

The mushrooms “soak up” water in minimal amounts, its mostly clinging to the surface. If this were a factor wild mushrooms would be a no go because they get rained on. And a lot of

I don’t disagree there are aspects to the writing that were tough to get through.

And no dick and balls, remember?

If he doesn’t end up with giant bat wings I will be very disappointed.

Yeah, that struck an odd note to me too. I realise hardly anyone cares about these things anymore, but Pournelle was pretty much the opposite of the New Wave (AKA some of my favorite authors, too!)

Loved him on This Week In Tech - even when he out crotchetyed john c Dvorak, Jerry was hilarious.

We're already in hell. The worst part? We're STILL surrounded by these pricks.

It’s just your bogstandard power play.

Right. But in the interest of ensuring that nobody is misled, I’ve changed the headline from “The Witcher’s Author Says He Doesn’t Get One Cent From The Games’ Success” to “The Witcher’s Author Says He Screwed Himself Out Of Profiting Off The Games.”

Its happened a few times mate. Here’s one example

Counter-counter-counterpoint: Sony was only able to jump on the VR bandwagon so quickly because they could reuse proven hardware they’d already designed, manufactured, and abandoned years ago.

I wonder if they’ll keep the same outfits...

Niven didn’t need the money from writing

I didn’t read that as Pournelle chiding him for real, more like Pournelle giving him a smirky little nudge along the lines of “Ha ha, aren’t we being bold and outraging the liberals today.”

you can burn peat for fuel... which is kind of bad if they start doing that.