Anton Gully

I’m excited about VR, and I have a PSVR on order (don’t even have a PS4 yet) but I was really hoping there’d be a killer app by now.

It’s a male writer and so they’ve considerably over-estimated the weight of sausage at play here. It’s only about a pound, pound and a half, tops.

Maybe it’s time to give Carter another shot.

It’s okay. I never thought you sounded trustworthy. Or rational (that’s a term we use when talking about someone’s mental state).

I don’t think anyone “got” that. Most of the Western world is trying to reduce prison populations through education and counselling. I would suggest that an indication of desperation in an economy is deriving income by inventing laws to trap people in prisons run by corporations.

If you’re demeaning the accuracy of what he says because of grammar and Godwin, you’re possibly missing the point. Meanwhile your snide irony makes you trustworthy, or something.

Why not on PBS? Does everything have to have a profit motive?

I think you’re misdirecting your blame here. Prisoners can be as pro-troop and patriotic as you or the next guy, and as likely to be put to work by a sleazy company as well. It’s not like a prisoner stood up one day and decided he was going to bid on a government tender.

“Republican men find her hot?”

People are saying that Katrina Pierson is working for Clinton. That’s what I heard. They’re saying she’s making Trump look bad because she’s in love with Hillary. I don’t know about any of that. That’s just what I’m hearing.

I’m a socialist European from the UK. The idea of unpaid internships is alien to me. I think we had them once, but it didn’t take, because... well, it’s stupid. We have entire government departments dedicated to pushing the unemployed into jobs that cost the employer nothing.

Most exercise I’ve had in a while? Laughing at that. Nice.

I love BING video search. I just have to remember to turn down the volume before mousing over the videos or my neighbour comes over with his emergency kit to fix up whoever is in pain and screaming.

Uh, the original Suicide Squad was “The Dirty Dozen”. Criminals? Check. Suicide mission? Check.

No love for Astro City?

Go read the wikipedia page.

Arguably, it jumped the shark with the last shake-up. Arguably.

I’m genuinely shocked that at my advanced age, I did not know this. I’ll have forgotten about it by tomorrow, also due to my advanced age. But right now, ah... the knowledge is glorious.