People are saying that Katrina Pierson is working for Clinton. That’s what I heard. They’re saying she’s making Trump look bad because she’s in love with Hillary. I don’t know about any of that. That’s just what I’m hearing.
People are saying that Katrina Pierson is working for Clinton. That’s what I heard. They’re saying she’s making Trump look bad because she’s in love with Hillary. I don’t know about any of that. That’s just what I’m hearing.
I’m a socialist European from the UK. The idea of unpaid internships is alien to me. I think we had them once, but it didn’t take, because... well, it’s stupid. We have entire government departments dedicated to pushing the unemployed into jobs that cost the employer nothing.
Most exercise I’ve had in a while? Laughing at that. Nice.
This latest Gawker themed season reads like the most elaborate suicide note from a media institution in history.
For most of history people’s access to alcohol was limited by their social class or wealth. It’s only recently that enjoying a drink has become a “condition”. Entire civilisations were focused on getting their buzz on. As do elephants and monkeys given half a chance.
I’m checking my definition of “party” here. Did you mean “breakfast”?
This article seems drenched in the same bullshit that Trump supporters come up with, where every problem can be fixed with taller walls, bigger guns and nukes - because that’s how to show you mean business. Maybe take the violent rhetoric out of, oh, everything.
Tinfoil hat wearers don’t like it because it does a LOT of phoning home.
What do you need to do when listening to the Kanye West tape, to make him seem like a winner? I’ve listened to the video a lot, but I don’t get from it, what other people seem to be getting from it. I get a grown man acting like a dick vibe, and Taylor being polite. Is there some kind of polarising glass that changes…
Oculus Rift is a bit cheaper than the Vive (remains to be seen if that will still be true when their controls come out) and has a bunch of exclusive games which are specifically seated affairs. PSVR for the PS4 will be all seated (AFAIK) and all games are meant to be playable with a controller.
A lot of confusion here. Here’s how the scam works.
Okay, I don’t understand your reasoning and I’m not really interested in getting into another discussion where I try to extract reason from someone else’s logic. I’m getting enough of that over Brexit on Youtube. I respect your decision, apologise for my misunderstanding and wish you well in your future projects.
Am I the only one bothered by “American Indian”? I’m old and not particularly PC, but I feel I’ve been getting an education these past few years, and something must have stuck because the phrase is really grating my eyeballs.
Maybe they should just go back to being privileged multi-millionaires, stop acting like tweens, and stirring up a bunch of ill-will amongst their fans which is going to do no-one any good.
Are all the article titles on Gawker sites written by someone who hasn’t read the article?
Richard Garriott is an asshole. Like, not even an issue. Total dick. He’s not swanning around, smacking homeless people, he’s relentlessly, pervasively being the guy with more money than sense. And it’s a dick move.
I really wish something was done to take the money out of sport, or alternatively, a whole bunch of different money was allowed INTO sport. Maybe people wouldn’t be queuing up to watch human drag racing/Nascar with professional runners, but it’d be a whole lot more honest than the supposedly “amateur” 0lymp1cs we have…
I’m not someone who “gets” this kind of game either, but I think that’s more a reflection of my own personality, and not the fault of the game. On the other hand, I don’t get frustrated about someone else deeply valuing an experience which I’m too much of a sociopath to appreciate. Cos, sociopath, so why should I care?
It may actually be ammo for a gun that fires daggers.
Cameron went to the EU, asking for “better terms”, came back with very little - and, ironically, the changes to benefits that he negotiated with the EU are now null and void, so there will be at least two years of free movement of EU nationals wanting residence status in the UK, under the old benefits rules.