Anton Gully

You could probably replace the radiator fan. Probably a standard mounting.

In other news extreme exercise has been proven to be as hazardous to your health as no exercise.

It's worth noting that Charlie Hebdo has also lampooned Catholicism, by far the largest religionin France, as well as numerous French politicians.

I'm a grownup. Taking that choice out of my hands is just fucking stupid.

And it could easily have been something Adams would have written. Eventually.

You mean a New Jerseyan with a sore throat?

"I'm troubled by the fact that many of us have lost our interest and maybe even our ability to explore the world around us—not just space, but everywhere," he said.

Company goes bankrupt due to "shitty" management - it's management's fault, those guys don't deserve their massive salaries and they've let down the employees they were supposed to be leading.

Well... Guild Wars 2 is nowhere near as actiony but it's far more so than, say, WoW. Neverwinter Online is also positional based but, again, nowhere near this level.

An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.


So you WOULD be okay with the Toyota scenario?

Pretty much anytime a helicopter hovers over you it's dangerous. Those things fail way more than planes and, arguably, helicopter travel has a higher fatality rate than car travel.

Maybe hide all the druggy accusations. By which I mean, just bury this version of the story.

Do these poorly paid voters actually vote? Statistics suggest not. If you gathered up the disaffected voters who decry this dipshit's agenda you still wouldn't have enough to kick him out of office. But at least you'd have a bunch of people who felt how it was to fight the power.

Kraaaaa-zy. This show reflects the law.

Jeopardy has been around for a long time. Women make up most of the audience for Jeopardy - the studio audience has a bunch of men in it but they're there for their significant others. In general.

Looks handmade for bots.