
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

agency *yawn*
sexism *lame but I can get over it*
Is the boss fight with Nightwing fun at least or is it not even playable?

I’m the overseer to Vault 124. In this vault if any couple gives birth to a child, that couple is banished to the wastelands.

I loled.

Why? Will we be driving down the information superhighway?

Because they didn’t see the demand for third party headsets to warrant including a built-in converter from their proprietary low-latency signal processing hardware when they include a high quality mono headset with every system. Since launch, they’ve registered a demand for built-in third party support, so they made a

CD Projekt Red make me throw my panties at the screen in adoration. Man, what a dev!

You know, for all the computer effects they’ve got whizzing around, I’m more impressed by the practical stuff they slide in everywhere, smashing everything up.

Sony to gamers : Buy a PC.

If this movie in anyway is like the animated series, they won’t show his abuse of Harley in a positive way. Let me tell you a story:

If they arent going to showcase Fallout 4 at E3 they need to just bite the bullet and tell everyone now.

Alternate headlines for this story:

Unoriginal, but boy is it true.

So surreal to see something you thought you’d never see in your lifetime.

You mean there were people that didn’t just immediately reload their last save if a party member died permanently?

Gotta love how all the judgment is thrown that the woman, and not at any of the 25 dudes who had sex with her, presumably quite well aware of what was going on.

Now that’s what I call: