It’s not just a desktop 980, it’s also a desktop Skylake CPU. Vast difference between that and something like the i7-6700HQ
You'd quickly be out of work and the target of a million lawsuits after such a stunt, of course.
The iconic LA-Noire-Is-Super-Accurate article:
I’m on a GTX 980, and last month I got one of those rare 4K TVs that supports 4K@60 over the HDMI 2.0 port as well as 4:4:4 chroma, making it perfect for PC gaming. I’m now on a quest to play every game in my past at 4K, and right now I’m plowing my way through TESIV: Oblivion just for kicks. Also I rented a nice…
You must be talking about Myth II: Soulblighter. If you changed the installation directory when you installed the game, upon uninstalling it would clear out your hard drive.
My past two exes had been my best friends for years before anything happened between us, and such was the strength and maturity of our relationships that in both instances, when we had to break up for various reasons, we parted amicably and still remain best friends today. This “piece of wisdom” was probably conjured…
Not only is “size” wrong, but so is “twice.” 4K is 4 times more dense than 1080p.
Break grass instantly with just your hands. Then get the seeds. Use the hoe to till land within a couple blocks of water, and plant seeds.
Supreme Commander’s got you covered. Not only can you do what you’re talking about, you can also have separate, full game views on both monitors. Ten year old game too.
ugh the detail is perfect and I actually liked the character I MUST HAVE
It actually means Keys Full Ammo. This is why the alternate cheat IDFA just gives you all guns without the keys to unlock various doors.
I run a heavily overclocked 980 and the frames just drip below 30 at times ugh. And the GPU usage isn’t even 100% come on
There’s a gaming laptop, the Gigabyte P55W, that costs $1300 on Newegg. It’s got the equivalent of an older desktop i5 (i7-5700HQ) and a GTX 960 (GTX 970M) inside. Now this is pretty much a desktop worth about $600, so of course it isn’t cost-effective from that perspective, but I like to think of it as having…
My old gaming laptop had the touchpad off-center too. The idea is to keep it to the center of the letters in the keyboard rather than the center of the whole keyboard, which includes the numpad. I guess it makes it easier for gaming....with the touchpad?
Sure is! Ever watch The Indian in the Cupboard?
Gary Busey was in Contact? That movie is my all-time favorite and I’ve watched it at least fifteen times, but I don’t remember Gary Busey there.
Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I’m a co-ML of my region and we’re having our kick-off chat in 15 hours. Everyone’s so excited <3 or stressed </3
The iconic example of gamer logic is of course doors that swing both ways. I remember an article about this that described a study involving letting older non-gamer people play games and watching them struggle with things like having to look at door knobs to activate them, having to be on the correct side, etc.