
This video also demonstrates (for me, anyway) why affirmative consent is such a critical policy measure to adopt at colleges and universities. The burden of proof for proving consent in the case of something like this is incredibly high—and should be.

Even if the guy in the video initially consented to this horrific

These are the men that were raised to have sex as soon as puberty hit because “it’s what men do.” And then go on to raise more emotionally broken men as well. It’s such a sad vicious cycle and nobody stops for a minute to think if that’s a good thing to do. And then they get offended when women simply don’t feel safe

The comments on Gawker are revolting as fuck. All these sexually frustrated beardnecks apparently see nothing wrong with that video. If it’s happening, it’s consensual. Period. It’s so gross.

Yep. That’s the thing. This particular chapter got in trouble because they go caught. No one joins a fraternity because they want to excel academically or participate in philanthropic activity. They join them because they want to party. If it were only about studying and volunteering no one would ever join.

Honestly, the vid was disturbing. I didn’t watch it either but just from the stills they showed in the Gawker article, it was very “assault-y” and, I think, inappropriate to link to.

I am glad they have been closed. I posted something on the university’s twitter and the horrific tweets back that I have received from frat boys who say “boys will be boys” and “this is a common thing - it’s tradition” make me sad and worried that even though this chapter has been punished, this is going on other

This is a paragraph from the article about the naming rights:

Fitting that the naming rights go to a rental car company, since every public Dollar Hertz the Budget.

Oh I know! I'm not scared of the doctor but I just hate spending the time to go there. I went to the doctors on weds. And I was in the waiting room for TWO HOURS

I used to work with a 50 year old, diabetic man who had a black belt in karate. If there’s anything I’ve learned about black belts, it’s that they’re all liars.

It’s interesting to me that no one in these threads got curious and did any reading on this. Medicating these people just doesn’t seem to do anything for them. It’s funny how body dysmorphia like this has people suggesting she needs medications when sufferers of BIID seem to be effectively cured by just having their

Actually being trans is not considered to be something that involves dysmorphia, but rather dysphoria.

Change the setting and it could be a Flannery O’Connor story. Great catch.

she went out and appropriated a disability.

Shuping claims to have found a psychologist willing to help fulfill her dream in 2006. After a couple of weeks, they decided Shuping was ready to lose her eyesight. The psychologist poured drain cleaner in her eyes.

is there such a thing as blindface?

What type of psychologist does that?! Holy shit.

I mean if you don’t give a shit about male privilege or rape culture or the patriarchy,...

One of the “many” unexpected benefits.

Well he went out of his way about 72 hours ago to state that people ( actors ) should STFU about personal stuff. Even going so far as saying gay people ( Rupert Everett ) limited his career by discussing private / personal shit. Since then he’s been non stop word vomit-salad.