
Truthfully? Probably. I think we would agree that prior to CU, there was at least a small veil of protection against it.

So when do we stop pretending we are a democratic republic and start calling ourselves an oligarchy?

Etsy also sucks because those third party vendors are companies from Aliexpress selling cheap ass lower quality than f21 jewelry with images stolen from designers. It sucks.

I can't even go to the doctor when I am clearly sick because they terrify me (I also don't have insurance yay) so I can't even imagine the DESIRE to go twice a week. Yikes.

It’s about poor women. In my ritzy suburb growing up, it was well known you could go to this fancy schmance obgyn office and get a first trimester abortion. Rich people don’t get abortions at Planned Parenthood. But according to lawmaker and protestors, you’d think PP was the only place giving them out. It's about

I would turn it off solely on the fact that I wouldn't want a corporation like Windows mining my data :-/ who knows what sneaky shit we will find leads to them capturing and storing maybe even selling leads to .

I think the reason is because several people were killed, not just injured. The key point to being labeled a massacre is actually killing numerous people in a short time span. One could make the argument that nationally in America black people are experiencing just that, but I think police muddy the argument by saying

When you talk about how much sex you are having it negatively correlates to how sex you are ACTUALLY having.

Actually big banks and debt servicing are more to blame. Angela Merkel doesn’t run those. It would be like blaming Obama being to blame for Puerto Rico. Neither are helping for sure, but to say they are totally to blame is not really understanding the situation and taking a childish simple answer. Hell when Greece

She was from IL iirc and there medical is legal. She was prescribed medical for dealing with epilepsy.

Also, statistically, black women are the least likely to commit suicide, especially by hanging because of all the historical issues with that. To me, that is enough to want to fine tooth comb through all this bullshit and raises a lot of red flags.

There's one in Northside by CCAC main, one in West View, one on 65 near Camp Horne Road. There are some downtown, but they are a mix of franchise and corporate owned, so it can be hit or miss.

I’m in Pittsburgh too, however, I found them at corporate owned 7/11s (aka not the one in Oakland though recently I think it may have corporatized.)

Your womb and major of the prison issues have to deal with state governments, Congress, and SCOTUS, not the office of the President, sorry.

Um what makes you think Hillary won’t do those things? She is a war hawk. She is funded by banks and corporations that benefit off war and destroying the climate among other things. Just because she wears a D does not make her progressive.

I think our American lifestyle has a lot to do with it too. I work a lot more, I am constantly stressed about money, etc. and it makes my libido low. I would rather have a stable income and less working hours (paid vacation and sick would be great too!) and then I could get into it more. As it stands now, we just come

Belly button test:

Which is why I think she shouldn’t be allowed to do this. She will essentially try to make that kid like her daughter to regain her and when she doesn’t act like she think she should, bad things happen. It is basic Lifetime Movie Logic.

I was explained that curvy is thin with a larger bust or larger hips, but still generally flat stomach and thin arms. While what you are thinking of is voluptious or BBW, which generally means having a tummy and bigger arms- more curves all over.

“A culture fixated on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty, but an obsession about female obedience. Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history; a quietly mad population is a tractable one.”
-Naomi Wolf