I guess you should get started on that letter to the editor. You’ve chosen an admirable fight though, I hope you expend any and every resource to rectify this egregious error. Godspeed, my friend.
I guess you should get started on that letter to the editor. You’ve chosen an admirable fight though, I hope you expend any and every resource to rectify this egregious error. Godspeed, my friend.
C’mon, it’s Slovakia. We put the record on, we play the tune, we take the record right off again. We’re not playing the State Anthem of the Russian Federation. It’s Slovakia. It’s like playing “On Wisconsin.”
I’m sorry but if I am a coach on this team....i would totally put aside the 6th grader I’m fondling and have this kicker run some damn laps.
“You win this round, Penn State.”
Sidney Crosby: “And that there is my Stanley Cup ring. I don’t even wear it, still got the tagger on it.”
Marti DiBergi: Given the history of the Capitals, uh, in the past, do you have any fears, uh, for your playoff life?
*Couldn’t have
Hockey misses Gary Thorne. I miss Gary Thorne. So say we all.
No. They moved to Winnipeg.
I bought some instant water one time but I don’t know what to add to it.
He also has a map of the United States... that is actual size.
Went to a restaurant that serves breakfast at any time, so I ordered french toast during the renaissance.
His school colors were clear. He wasn’t nude; he was in the band.
I remember something that happened to Steven Wright a few weeks, wait, it was yesterday.
Steven Wright will bounce back, because he’s a tough guy: he once got his girlfriend pregnant using condoms, a diaphragm and an IUD.
It’s a small homeplate, but he doesn’t want to paint it.
I spilled spot remover on my dog and now he’s gone.
I thought “awhile” was the adverb while the noun phrase was “a while”?
I remember “Socks on the Run.” It was a 1974 hit song by Fweet.
Shouldn’t it technically have been Footy McFoot Face?