
Option Four: The Good Ones

Let’s be real though: If there’s any Nintendo game deserving of a Studio Ghibli movie, it’s Earthbound. How perfect would that be?

Yes! Thank you. Return of the Jedi is a bad movie. It’s cool whenever there’s a space battle and you see 50 layers of optically printed pandemonium unfolding on-screen, but that’s like five minutes of the movie total, because all of that stuff was balls-fucking-expensive and took months to make. (Though you failed to

Destiny is popular.

I’ve always found something really fascinating about the purported Franklin sex ring:

In Japan it’s called Jurassic Bros 4.

More movies should include songs off Tusk. Just not this one.

The problem with fan theories is that they’re just too literal. They’re all focused on “here’s what really happened,” which is superficial and boring and doesn’t actually engage with the work on a thematic or symbolic level. Marty McFly was dead all along! Comment/like/subscribe! **fart**

Gray Guy v. Blue Guy: Dawn of Drabness

lol it’s an FMV game.

I see this a lot in surveys and academic writings on rape and sexual violence. If you describe the behavior in “objective” terms (without the dreaded r-word), more people will cop to it than if you call it what it is.

Choose a Writer: Once you've got a handle on who characters are—usually after you've gotten started reading—following specific writers is a good way to find stuff you really like—not to mention branch out without being overwhelmed by the ocean of comics out there. For example, Frank Miller is well-known for the Batman

"If you don't like the cover, then don't buy it!"

Dear Internet: Just donate to a fucking charity or something. Fuck.

The production team, which includes Winter Soldier's directors, Iron Man 3's writer and Channing Tatum as producer, is also looking to get Tatum to star.

Also penciled by David Finch, who is the king of superhero comics that make you feel icky

Just frantically scrolled through notes on my phone to make sure I still have my manual code from RB3. Here's hoping Harmonix follows through on an export.

The Johns Aquaman run felt like it was protesting too much. I stopped after like 6 issues, but it seemed like every issue had someone be like "ha ha Aquaman's lame," and then Aquaman does something awesome and is like "suck it." That's what's so tiresome to me: the constant "nuh uh you guys, he's really badass."

Backers are furious. Some have said they even filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau:

You're right that generally, minority underrepresentation is an unfortunate reality of creating art for profit. However, when one compares video games with other mass media, gaming still seems to fall short.