
Sumo Digital actually worked with series creator Reflections on another Driver game for PSP called Driver '76, which was set two years before Driver: Parallel Lines, the third game in the franchise. Driver 5 would have been another collaboration between Sumo Digital and Reflections, but the game never moved past

DC's great at tripping over their own feet on can't-miss TV show concepts.

"Actually, when I was being a weird internet dick, I felt cool as a cucumber"

The problem with the "MRA" is that it's based on a false premise. Men are oppressed by the same systems of toxic masculinity that oppress women. Male underreporting of sexual assault is a clear example of this.

It could maybe work if you paired it to some kind of move-set system like the RPGs — let's say, you pick 4 special attacks out of a pool of 10. A lot of the strategy in the RPGs comes down to how well your move-set can anticipate the opponent's move-set, so it would be neat to see that transferred into a fighting game

Microsoft makes a concept video showcasing a cool technology being used for something nobody will ever want to do. In other words, Microsoft.

Was it Earth and Beyond that had a whole class dedicated to exploring sectors of space? I remember reading that in PC Gamer when I was 10 and thinking that was some rad shit.

My favorite part of any MMO is the first few hours, when you come into town and everyone's got an exclamation point over their head and a menial errand for you to complete. I have zero interest in dungeons, or raiding, or whatever; I just want to check stupid things off my stupid little list.

I've always thought you could make a great CW show of Teen Titans. Just do Gossip Girl with superpowers!

Unfortunately, we may never know whether or not blogger Chuck Johnson really shit on the dorm floor; it's he said-she said.

Yeah, what it really means is that "Duke Lacrosse" is about to become "Duke Lacrosse and UVa" in the popular lexicon

No; it is bad.

As games continue to incorporate more complex online functionality, are we going to see a further shift away from hard release dates? Most online stuff seems to launch broken in general; we just notice more when there's a massive ad campaign hitting us over the head with a game's release date and pre-order incentives.

Nope, AC Unity is a janky game. Usually not catastrophically so, but to the extent that it undermines the things the game does well.

Of course that's a relationship to sell-through, it's not exact, because some people have more than one identity. But obviously that's directional. So it's a highly-engaged audience that is hungry for more content. And when we've had that, we think we've been good at providing them with more content to satisfy that

"Includes 4 Motion Pictures Featuring Picard and Data." Isn't that... a weird thing to write on this box so prominently? Am I losing my mind? Anyway it's a good deal on a nice set. Just 20 bucks. [ Star Trek TNG Motion Picture Collection]

"Why do people tell this creepy story even if they know it isn't true?" "Because it's creepy."

I don't get why the people who want a serious look at ethics in journalism don't just accept that and make another group.

Threatening to kill women on the internet, not threatening to kill women on the internet... Hey man, maybe both sides are wrong.