
Honestly I think she has, just not the way anyone expects and but the way a lot of people like. I’m one of the like... Thousands of people who has seen Lauryn once (with Nas last year) and she was both on time and on point the entire time to a life-giving degree (I have little patience for people who can’t accept that

Please, I imagined old white conservatives watching him speak from home and catching the spirit over it for the first time in their lives.

Honestly I thought he was dead.

Something that struck me about the Ariana moment — and to be fair, i didn’t notice the groping on the first watch, but it only added extra insult to injury to me — during her performance, Bishop Ellis seemed to be going faaaaaaaar out of his way to avoid looking at Ariana. Super intentionally looking the other

If it makes you feel any better, the author said in the interview that originally it was Ashley, but at that time there was no Amma.

It’s not all that inexplicable to me. The last conversation he had with her was her crying and frantic, accusing her mother of murder and saying she was going to do something about it, which kind of sounds like she was going to try to kill her mother, confirming the suspicions of his wife from the beginning that

I took it that she was already a surrogate daughter to them. That's the reason he came down after she said she was going to do something about Adora and and then he couldn't reach her when Adora took her phone.

All of their teeth were pulled.

I haven’t read the book, but the episode doesn’t clarify who her father is. I do think it’s him, though. There’s a tense scene between him and Alan, and Elizabeth Perkins’s character made a reference to Camille as ‘his girl’ that made me suspect she knows this to be true and was rubbing it in.

I think it’s a combination of the transition from disqus to kinja, as well as that some of the more talked about shows are streaming shows, which spreads the range of time over which people will respond, versus say, TWD which people are planning on watching and then immediately discussing.

It’s funny, ‘Carrie’ is one of my favorite movies but it somehow escaped me until this episode that this is the same Sissy Spacek. She’s killing this role so much it doesn’t seem like the same actress. I love her!

John said his sister’s nails were painted, and that she would never have painted her own nails.

In particular the fact that she insisted on being fully clothed for everything they had done sexually, to find her undressed with him had to sting, particularly since he knows WHY she insisted on it now.

She was being guilted about more than grilled cheese. It's Amora's primary M.O.

Munchausens. That’s the Rose. Usually she’s putting on someone else but Lord knows a prick from a Rose would hardly incapacitate a sane person the way it did Adora. That was the first clue, in hindsight.

I personally spent the entire scene going, “Camille, what are you doing???? Don’t do this!!” So maybe we’re just watching the show and not trying to pretend it is somehow normalizing this behavior when we’ve spent the entire run of the series learning WHY Camille would do something so stupid.

Adora certainly could have been the women/witch in white who lured then into the woods. They trusted her.  And honestly with the sheriff ignoring all of the obvious signs that even causally point to her, coupled with the fact that he almost certainly knows Adora killed her daughter, suggests that he was in on it.

Sissy and Melanie are, at this point, the reason I'm still watching. It felt like they're was some forward motion in this episode, I'll give them that, but overall I think it's about time we start getting some actual class as to what's going on here.

The first thing I started doing as I was reading (and I have made this several times but it’s one of those things you forget about until it comes up somewhere) was consider the best way to swap out of the cool whip filling for cheese cake, and a non-jello method for making the topping, specifically because the amount

I thought it was more that he probably doesn’t consider her a friend but didn’t know what else to say.