
I had the good fortunate to catch her a couple of years ago touring with Nas.   I assume due to them sharing the headlining spot she HAD to be on time, but honestly she’d be worth an hours-long wait, provided I didn’t have to work in the morning! 

A La McMillions, the HBO doc, where they had a tip and it was basically on a post-it note until the one dude was like “hey, maybe we should look into this.”

In Philly, I know they were at least trying to ID people back then. There’s a woman who set a police car on fire because she left a tatoo uncovered, and wore a BLM shirt that was unique enough for them to find the Etsy site it came from (it was *that* unique) and used the sales records to find out who she was. She’s

I loved this film, and it really got me in the end.  I have a disdain for CG animation as well as no children, so this is the first full-length animated Disney film I’ve seen since 2002's Lilo & Stitch, and I was as pleased and moved with this film as I was with that one, if not moreso. 

If it makes you feel any better — my experience with Amazon Prime/Video thus far as been once you buy it, you can always watch it, even if it it’s no longer for sale to other potential customers.

For example, when ‘The Simpsons’ Season 3 Episode 1, titled “Stark Raving Dad” (The one with Michael Jackson) was announced

This presupposes it ever looks good to begin with.  I wouldn’t call it full uncanny valley, which makes me physically uncomfortable.  When CGI is left to do ALL the work it never looks real, particularly if it’s in the foreground.   I always think of Jurassic Park first -- CG was used, but the WAY it was used, in a

She was in on the whole plan, they just left her in the car to be safe.  The shoggoth was protecting her.  We saw that in the flashback when Ji-Ah was on Tic and Christina; Tic ‘introduced’ the shoggoth to Dee.   And Dee also already had her robotic arm, which, I was *kind of* assuming that Hippolyta either made or

Christina, as Ruby, put it back on her after she fell.  When Ji-Ah is running through her memory there’s a flashback of that. 

The ending is definitely the biggest change, but I also remember the grand high witch’s assistant didn’t exist in the book -- the one who changes Luke back into a human in the film. 

For the love of all that is holy can we get a separate thread for people who have read the book who want to talk about what they think is coming?? I just want to watch/talk about the show and, at best, guess what’s gonna happen next instead of having all these “Well in the book So&So is...” going on. I want to be

In situations where it's this cut and dry and the evidence is concrete, I advocate for the death penalty. Disgusting.


Re: Rock/Anna May/Henry - Rock Hudson and Henry Wilson both ultimately died as a result of having to live their lives in the closet for fear of losing their careeer.  Anna May Wong at the time of her death was remembered for playing asian stereotypes.  In this universe the entire trajectory of their lives is

I  still to this day have conversations where I inform people that ska cover of “Come On Eileen” is not No Doubt.

There was a point relatively early on where they had interlaced fingers while they were lying (I think) in that weird junkyard thing.   Trouble was,to me, it soon became apparent she just wasn’t that into him.   And the couple of times she wanted to do other things that weren’t just the two of them, he continued to

I was late to the first season, so I was able to binge most of it and then catch the last few episodes as they aired. It wasn’t until I was finished that I thought to see what the comments and reviews were like, and I have to say I’m glad that I *didn’t* check back here after each episode (side from the speculation

I would have preferred this over the *actual* angst-meets-indifference review posted above. I thought Dol-Hale’s kid was a boy, though, but otherwise so much to consider here!

I feel like if a known comedian uses the phrase,”and not because i’ve done any research on this” it’s safe to say they’re joking.  People can mourn and joke at the same time.

This is such an obvious joke that it *almost* doesn’t surprise me that the media picked it up and has written about it as though it were real.

A whole entire WORD. 👏👏👏