
So on rewatch, Amma is holding two dresses, one in each hand when the doors are opened, and Adora has nothing. That could go either way, but since Adora knew about Camille’s cutting, there’s no way she didn’t know why Camille was asking Amma to wait in the car or why she was s hesitant. I think Adora wanted to see.

Honestly this sort of upset attitude people have about how slowly the story is unfolding is becoming a boring trope in and of itself. I haven’t read the book, so I don’t know if that’s so much the focus on it, but in this series it seems very much that the murder mystery is taking a secondary or even tertiary position

While freely admitting this is the opinion of one man who has never been to such an event in the South, it may be worth considering that this is Adora’s festival, on her property. She with her elephant tusk floor and seemingly blissful ignorance to a scrap of modern fashion (recall when Amma was wearing regular

The fact that she deliberately took Camille’s clothes off the door to insure sure would have no choice.... Jesus. Brutal. And then had the audacity to call her ‘ruined’ AND blame it and on her father. To say nothing of that not-so-subtle “I never loved (you)r father” faux peace offering on the veranda.

You’re supposed to drill stops into the window to keep the window from being raised further while the AC is in. The only way to remove the AC would be violently, which would likely be as disruptive as breaking a window. But I say this as a city dweller, where any such action would not go unnoticed. In a rural place

She was wearing shoes in the death scene, so unless they’re the kind of skates you can strap on to shoes (and admittedly I have not analyzed them enough to see if they are, and given the small-town nature it wouldn't be surprising) the killer would have to have a pair of shoes to put on her after.

Aha, thanks for this. I remember her talking to someone about her mom now, and saying her maiden name was Preaker.

The “ripe”comment was an insult meant to suggest she smelled like sex, as she was just spying on her making out with the detective and presumably knows or believes she was promiscuous as a teen.

This adds credence to the idea she may be the child of the lesbians as someone else suggested.

I think the car that rolled up on Amma is Camille finding her, and the glimpse of her body being found is Camille’s fear in that moment. Amma wasn’t wearing roller skates when she was found and she wasn’t wearing that jacket when she was skating alone, so I think she was just imagining the worst. Plus Camille is in

Wondering the same. She’s way too put together, mask-wise, and way too into her boyfriend in a way that suggests she’s trying to make everything okay following something tragic, which could simply be his sister’s disappearance and death, but could be more than that.

While I admittedly can’t place Missouri without looking at a map (east coast) I spent some time in Dayton, OH which seems far enough from the south to not be so affected. Still  I was shocked at how frequently I encountered southern accents. It does strike me as odd while watching, but I can give it a pass for that

At first I was thinking that she actually HAD found Amma and it they were showing things out of order, but Amma didn't have skates on when she was found, and she is in the trailer for next week very much alive, so I'm on IMHO's team that she may have had something to do with it. Frankly I think their mother may even

I was initially thinking similar to you on Dominique's speech, but she's from Trinidad, so I think what you're hearing is the edges of her actual accent. I haven't heard her speak outside of the show yet, but I think that's really just the way she talks.

I don’t think I have ever loved an active so much, and one of them to die so badly at the same time.

It’s true, though.  Honestly the first thing I saw her in was ‘Shaft 2000' (I was young) and I was really thrown off the next time I saw her, which was in ‘About a Boy.’  been a hardcore fan ever since.    As far as American accents go, for me it’s an even tie between her and Melanie Lynskey. 

If you are going by her singles, don’t. Check out ‘The Electric Lady,’ particularly the back end (it’s a double album). It’s a pretty eclectic mix with some clear influences (Jackson 5, Stevie, Prince, Late 80s-90s R&B). I have a feeling Dirty Computer is going to be a more mainstream-sounding work on the whole, since

It’s possible they have a record player that doesn’t use electricity.

I’m legitimately curious, are you considering bisexual men and men on the down low to be the same thing? Because it sounds like you do.

That’s the whole point. If women would be more accepting of bi men, then as a culture there would be less need to be DL in the first place because you could be openly bi without worrying about rejection. And being openly bi there would be more transparency.