
You realize half the people here are trying to figure out wtf this game has to do with the batman games...

They most certainly have that right.

Motionblur, every time.

It’s hard to explain but there’s either some depth of field stuff going on or a filter applied to things out of focus.

If he’d only knocked a woman unconscious instead, they’d have him back in a month at worst.

Fuck this shit.

Top drawer ;)

That’s OK. It happens to a lot of bull semen factories. 

You are not. It was a year or two ago but never got updated news-wise. 

I’m not starring your first post.

Having played the game its hard to say they’re NOT connected. There are direct, non easter egg connections, it literally spells out that they take place in the same universe. The documents detailing all this are often in plain sight, not hidden in secret rooms etc like you’d expect something that was purely an easter

Personally I don’t find clowns all that scary. Not having seen either part of this adaptation I can’t say for sure but I can guess that I’d hardly find that to be the scary part.

I’m a millenial, I love video games, have the unpopular opinion that the steroid era was a chapter to be remembered and recognized just as the juiced ball thing we have going right now. Baseball is easily my favorite sport. That’s bred deep from having been the 4th generation born into a loyal fanbase, and I recognize

If there was a young man in literally any other profession who made $100 million before he was 30 and decided to retire, he would be lauded. The Wall Street Journal would write thousands of words of wankery praising his acumen and smarts and god bless America.

Dearest Mother,

Interesting thesis, GME as a “cigar butt” stock that still has a few puffs left. But why didn’t the market for Nintendo Switch buoy the stock price up till now?

Who throws old consoles away? You sell them on Ebay and make a little bank!


Kelly has yet to comment publicly on the matter, but if she did, I would imagine it would be something along the lines of: “I’m not racist! I have black guns! Some of my best guns are black!