
I believe what’s being said is that the person who did the bulk of the translation and other things chose to release the work. But that work is not enough to make the game work properly. You may need some understanding of translation and patching and hacking to understand why. Kotaku has done some articles on it in

Being only vaguely familiar with the concept of ISOs and fan translations, is there more context for this? Was this someone else’s work they fraudulently released under a more well-known person’s name just for exposure? Or was it someone misusing that person’s work altogether?

She won me over in The Dead Don’t Die, the Netflix Algorithm No One Can Hate This Paul Rudd Movie, and because I felt bad for her when the Vogue dude wrote that creepy, condescending article about her that for some reason kept referencing his sophisticated culinary skills.

I’m out because of the co-op, honestly.

Some day, every show will be on its own streaming service.

The other option isn’t “these cosmetic options will be free.” It’s “these cosmetic options will not be made at all.”

Graphics - in general - are cosmetic. If it was JUST cosmetics, we could replace every character model with a big grey placeholder box and sell those character models seperately. After all ... it’s just cosmetics.

I’m in the same boat as you. I want the season pass or ultimate edition to give me ALL of the content.
I’ve been so turned off Assassin’s Creed since I spent $100 on Origins Gold Edition only to have a ton of weapons, outfits, and mounts only available a la carte.

This. I don’t want to pay money to make my game experience more unique or to liven things up a little when they get stale. This is why I have not bothered purchasing a Dead or Alive title since 3 because the downloadable DLC has become obscene. It used to be that the type of outfits you pay money for were things you

It would help if the Inhumans weren’t just... evil. Like really, the comics tries to write them as the good guys, but they’re just categorically evil. They run a monarchy that exposes populations to terrigen gasses against their will, a gas that’s been proven toxic to mutants, and not all Inhumans come out okay.

take his gun away.

Yeah I respectfully disagree with this completely. I found Hopper’s behavior to be a new father who would have struggled with a teenage daughter (as many do IRL) in even the best of circumstances, and their circumstances are hardly ideal.

White person here.

Personally, I LOVE it. This is ridiculous beyond belief, and I could never have dreamt up such a thing.

“The ones that ruin games of Cards Against Humanity”

it isn’t your main point; but it’s worth pointing out there’s no statute of limitations for rape in New York.

Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.

Fish = Artificial, I assume

Yeah, I’m not accusing her of 4-d chess or anything, but she’s not an idiot, and she’s been doing this for awhile. I still give her the benefit of the doubt. Armchair Speaker-of-the-Housing is a lot easier than making the actual decisions.