Well said! You made some good points. It’s nice to have smart people to banter with, honestly.
Well said! You made some good points. It’s nice to have smart people to banter with, honestly.
Also the complaint about people posting games online with little/no commentary. Sometimes I want to actually see the gameplay/story for a game I own but don’t have the time/energy to break out and play myself, so I like to find LPs with no commentary in order to enjoy the game’s story. Like, I really enjoy watching…
That link was helpful. Started going through Steamapp stats for certain games.
What’s funny is that, when TD:C came out? I remember the creators saying they didn’t care if it was financially successful and that making the game was part of the healing process for them.
So I gather you’re not into short depressing games. I never read their response as whining, more a response to other people whining about not being able to stream That Dragon, or having to split revenue. (As in what I read right here at Kotaku http://kotaku.com/not-every-developer-is-convinced-let-s-play-videos-are-176…
I love how the Dragon Cancer guy is still going on about how Let’s Plays killed his game’s financial success, when it’s just as likely that hey, maybe people don’t want to play a game about a baby and cancer? I know that’s why I never played that game.
Hell you can bypass the share block with Remote Play and the Xbox app on a Windows PC. I know that’s how I’m recording Nioh and Bloodborne; well I’m actually using OBS but I tried it with the Xbox app and yup it felt durty in such a good way.
I can see people streaming, and pirating all sorts of games. But not weird little indie art project games, that typically don’t do finacially well anyways. Combine that with a topic that is incredibly depressing, I’m more willing to believe the game didn’t sell well because of what it was. Not because people “spoiled”…
I just like the logic of “BRO CAN’T PLAY WITH ITEMS AND CAN ONLY USE CERTAIN MAPS BECAUSE THIS IS ABOUT SKILL BRO” and then endorsing the use of broken controllers to do moves that were never intentionally supposed to be part of the game in the first place.
I don’t know, I tend to agree with the That Dragon Cancer people. i mean they released a short, linear, narrative based personal game and a lot of people could just watch a let’s play and be done with it. Meanwhile the streamers got mad when they had to share revenue which is just a bit selfish considering the video…
The “apology” is bullshit. This was always just a way to limit how damaging streaming could be to their sales and once the initial sales window closed they would lift restrictions. We’re seeing that now and soon they will do it again and they will try and make it sound like they are doing it in good faith when it was…
Same here. I have respect for what he made and, as a father, I feel for him... But, as a father, there was no way I could play that. The screen shots I saw were enough and I already felt awful just seeing them. Even if I did try the game, I don’t think I could have made it far.
Face Off is a masterpiece. Come at me.
I’ll have you know that I had a very nice burgundy 1992 Honda Civic DX 4D and it served me faithfully and reliably for years.
You have it exactly wrong.
I don’t demonize Sanders at all for his supporters—being supported by a handful of clueless and vocal jerks doesn’t change my position on policy. And I both strongly agree and disagree on individual policy issues. I had the same relationship with feminism—I didn’t call myself one but I certainly supported certain…
You’re absolutely right, Bernie’s revolution was “going to happen anyways”. He considered primarying Obama in 2012 but for some reason decided it wasn’t the right time for all of the progressive policies he supposedly thinks can’t wait any longer.
No, he decided to kick things off as soon as the first viable female…
This post and many more like it are telling you that the answer to those questions are no.
Who the fuck cares if he’s independant? Does he support issues you support? Does he bring knowledge and experience to the table?
Greatest sports movie? Drumline.