
His mom worked at a supermarket and his dad was a miner or something like that. Obviously he’s at a certain point now, and there’s a level of privilege that allows anyone to get away with voluntarily living homeless in Hawaii, but he DOES come from a blue collar background.

In his defense, I have money now (though not 30 million, sadly), but my childhood very much made me who I am.

Well, he did live homeless in Hawaii after growing up in a blue collar family, so maybe he’s not totally blowing smoke.

I kinda disagree with that sentiment.

Oh this sounds really good

The general attitude in the US and Britain is one of entitlement.. ie: That is peasant/poor people work and we are above that..

Read the article again. They’re talking about government jobs, where the wages have to match government standards. There are also stories of private farmers offering insurance and benefits, and still not getting people to do the work.

Those are all issues presented in the game, yes, but they’re not directly tied to political conservatism in any way. They might be tied to the way that a lot of liberals tend to see political conservatism, but I think that might be more an effect of liberals seeing political conservatism as something close to “evil”.

Democrats, overall, almost always get more votes than Republicans, but Republicans win more seats. It’s partly the electoral college (favors small, conservative states), partly gerrymandering, partly the tendency of Democrats to cluster in urban areas, and partly because Donald and the GOP were more popular in

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I wish there were more animated ones like the Simpsons one.

When questioned about the incident the man said, “If only I had a gun in the other hand, I could have stopped myself.”

Call me crazy, but I actually like this system. The game Egg, Inc. had a similar idea and I used it about 4 or 5 times. I just saved up a significant amount in the bank reach time I broke in it. It got me enough premium in-game money to buy all of the premium items. I actually get everything in the game (and

If you’ve played TES games, then you know people standing around doing weird shit is incredibly immersive.

Me after hearing Drew is leaving Giant Bomb.

What you, Maher, and the DNC need to learn is that democrats can’t control their base with fear. Republicans can because republicans have a monolithic voting block. A perceived attack against white Christians is a perceived attack against all republicans.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

“We have the lowest corporate taxes in the developed world”

I’m udderly amazed at how much Kotaku is milking this Nintendo Switch thing. We get it, y’all are dairy excited. But let’s not lose perspective. Some people have real beef with Nintendo right now, and I have to say, some of that is really a lot of bull. Still, if Nintendo wants to keep up, they really need to hoof it,

(credit, /r/NintendoSwitch)

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I would like Jezebel to post a video of Marco Rubio laying into Rex Tillerson about Russia and Vladimir Putin being a war criminal. Here it is. It’s excellent: