
Just sayin’.

Agreed. There’s good and bad no matter what you do and how hard you try but I feel like a lot of interviews,discussions and docs with developers or leads from the WoW side of things go over so well. Even when it’s just blue posts on the forums, there is a ton of communication and information as to the how’s and why’s.

Have they not talked to the WoW and D3 devs regarding community interactions.

He is like your grandmother who is convinced that you love peanut-butter pie because you ate it once.

I think you may have been going a bit too far with the “marginalized” thing and maybe you didn’t explain it too well in the context of the Mei skin...

Re-reading your post, I should probably apologize. I guess I didn’t quite see what you meant regarding marginalize. Though, the value that you place on cosmetics is precisely what is driving this market right now. Whether you buy them or not is a bit irrelevant. There is apparently a multi-billion dollar market for

Ah, gotcha. Sounds like it’s mostly a difference of opinion. I was confused about the usage of the word “marginalized”, since that normally refers to like “not enough minority protagonists” or similar complaints. No worries.

I can’t fathom how people don’t understand this either - cometics matter for basically the same reason character customization matters. When you design a game and give the player any control over their character’s appearance (that has no funciton) those controls largley get tied to player identity. So players care


Eh you gotta remember, there was a lot of evidence the Ferguson PD claimed not to have or be aware of after Mike Brown got shot, and that was specifically because the evidence they did have could weed out the false/lying witnesses who came forward afterward. Not that you’re doing this, but I wouldn’t discount this

The word at the JP DA’s office and the courthouse is that there is video surveillance showing McKnight opening the other guy’s door and yanking him out of the car. This would implicate Louisiana’s “shoot the carjacker” law, which presumes that use of deadly force is reasonable and justified if the shooter is in his

The police have been instructed to take him alive, so Slappers Only!

I don’t like politics in my video games!

But not really;

Seven decades of data say that isn’t what happens.

I always thought the roll-facing-out made the most sense and never understood why people would do it any other way. Now, we have pets, including a couple cats, and I understand completely why roll-facing-the-wall is preferable (at least in our circumstance). If you go roll-facing-out, then you can count on having an

I definitely remember being excited for Azurik, and being very let down. The line about Halo looking comparable to Ocarina of Time is utter bullshit. Halo was the best looking game ever made upon it’s release, and wasn’t legitimately dethroned until Halo 2 or Far Cry a few years later. Hell, it was the first major

I, for one, applaud Ms. Hornbeck’s stance. But it got me thinking, what about other areas? There sure is a lot of rape and objectifying women in the Greek myths. Can’t we scrub those clean of the distasteful parts before presenting them? I mean, the gods themselves would come down from Olympus and get all rapey with

I’m planning on renting this through redbox and going through it over the weekend. I do have the free time but does this feel like the right game for it? I’m not a completionist, I do enjoy doing ubisoft side activities though, maybe just the cool ones