
And then they came for the group gatherings, And I didn’t speakup because I could go to the bar; And then they came for the barkeeps, And I didn’t speak up because I could stream illegally; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time i was watching porn because, who cares about Jags V. Titans?

nerf dolores

The problem is that it’s much, much harder to stop being a single country than this line of thinking gives credit for. For one, the new Republican States of America would be deep in the red, budget-wise, even before they slash their taxes. You have Texas and then a whole lot of poverty. I guess it will be easier on

Man, this episode of SVU is *crazy*

I love the analogy of the painting, its just too ridiculous. Comparing 4K or 60fps to colors in a painting is nothing alike. People DO look at paintings and happen to critique the mechanical/technical execution of the actual painting job, the contrasts, clarities and whatnot, that have a huge impact on how good it

Jesus, you scared me for a minute there.


As the parent of a munchkin with pretty severe cognitive impairment, I 100% agree. I’m a nonviolent person but I have a strange Mama Bear urge to beat the shit out of this monster.

Most of u know that I have been a special needs teacher/administrator for nearly 18 years, the only job I have ever known. Excuse me now, there is a huge lump in my throat and I’m sobbing as I write this. Of the hundreds of children with special needs that I have worked with, I can tell you that every single one of

It’s worth noting that Hitman was not out when the piece was originally written. It’s definitely very close to the ideal.

“I am very conflicted about all of this because I’m certainly not pro child molester”

Lately I’ve been really feeling this conflict surrounding the Brock Turner case (and the other ones like it). Because on one hand, I’m 100% against rape. On the other, I’m not the wrath and punishment sort.

There’s no way you can just set up and run a F2P game on a local server and have it work without heavily modifying the code. These aren’t standalone games like the original Counter-Strike, where everything about the game can be hosted on a single server. Things like logins and backups and countless other

Chrono Trigger, now that’s a game that was ahead of it’s time. The battle system beautifully melded action and turn based, the art style was amazing, the music was inspiring, unforgettable characters and was one of the most believable Time Travel stories I’ve ever witnessed.

Oh, what a theory it was. The Theory was that the last boss WAS Jenova who just assumed Sephiroths form, this also includes that final Omni-Slash fight where it was one on one with Cloud.

But they’re revealed FAR FAR earlier, an in a logical progression that makes sense. Kefka was introduced almost immediately, he was a constant antagonist to the party, and was always more of a direct threat as part of the Empire. His eventual betrayal was honestly imminent given his personality and need for

In all honesty, besides FF6 and 7, all Squaresoft games had this plot twist(To the best of my memory, I don’t remember 1 and 2 too well but I’m sure they were there too).