
Oooh! And installing the game with the floppy disk is it own game where you have to try pick the right floppy disk at each part of the installation. If you do it wrong there is several of other software it installs instead, like a copy of the movie Jerry Maguire.

“I think Eidos Montreal should be ashamed of themselves for appropriating a real black struggle and movement for financial gain.”

Haven’t seen that one but I liked the suicide squad in Justice League Unlimited.

*sound of hitting a nail directly on the head*

I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?

I never was able to get either of the Prototypes to work on my PC. Still kinda bummed about that.

2 has input issues where you have to remove your keyboard and mouse just to use a controller, and even that works only sometimes. Both games required way more time on a support forum than I would of expected.

to be fair, those games were already on pc and ran pretty good I think (I beat 1, never bought 2)

That is a fair comparison, yes.

The sign is a joke, the group (which I think was headed by Robert Smigel of “Triumph the Insult Comic Dog,” was mocking Westboro) and all of their signs were like that. Other signs said “God Hates Bangs,” “Anti-Christ Kevins” (with pictures of famous Kevins) and “God Hates Morning People.”

Except you can play various parts of it right now and see the progress that is being made on the game, and they give updates every week about what’s going on. But yeah, it’s exactly like DNF...

But the original version of 4 had an English dub. It’s not like the expanded version added it

Regarding public domain, due to Disney and its mouse, copyright timelimit is now pretty much indefinite. I read it somewhere that Disney planning to extend it into 100 year or so.

You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.

One way to make all Bruce Willis movies more enjoyable is to never watch an interview with him.

I agree that there’s a big gap between Hard and Challenging, which is what’s resulting in so many players grinding out Hard mode rather than moving up. At the same time, I can understand why they did it. By the time you hit 20, you’ve done enough Underground to have a pretty good understanding of the mechanics and

Wesker was not in RE6.......

I do that sometimes. If its a challenging mission that me and my friend can basically run through by ourselves then w.e.

But if im trying to run CM incursion or DZ they wouldnt even survive so there is literally no point.

When they start actively lying to us about the dangers of being obese or the link between eating their food and getting fat. Until then, if you want to eat a burger or smoke a cigar, that’s your right and your problem.