
What Norman Reedus was really cring about.

Canada works a bit differently than the US on this. It’s unlikely he’ll actually be released after 18 years. He’s very likely to be designated a dangerous offender, which means he will be held indefinitely at the pleasure of the government, long after his 18 years are up. (Quick example: serial killer Paul Bernardo is

People born in ‘88 aren’t grown men. They’re still chi-

The problem isn’t the Fox Engine, it’s the extra time he would have to take if he were to build a new engine from scratch.

My measurement has been the explosions.

Especially since all three sub franchises are essentially future warfare themed. and now that we know that they recycle mocap for cutscenes, it looks even more same-ey.

1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over

If they’re named Hank, John Henry, Eradicator, and Superboy I’m out.

Dynamic Jowls is the name I propose for modern design.

It’s like Alien vs. Predator but Legionnaire’s vs. Gonnorhea.

It just seemed to fit.

Yeah, it’s not a lock for everyone.

Yes, I think it is definitely case specific.

as with most things related to PC gaming, your mileage may vary.

No! Wait! Don’t try the whole internet! You don’t know what you’re getting into!

What they would look like after a game over screen? Uh... these are more like what would happen if they got thrown in a Eye of Terror from Warhammer 40K for a few hundred years.

I can imagine some of the B list villains at a bar now...

I was expecting the game to drop at ~$20-$25 and was greatly looking forward to playing the Witness. But $40 is a lot of money for me to drop on games. Which means either I have to wait for it to go on sale or just never play it in general. Or hope to get a bit of a windfall.

I can’t Imagine they’re not making bank on

There’s already a game that captures the descent into madness that can accompany a journey of obsession