
Who the fuck is Mitch Hundred...?

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I’d feel sorry for them not getting to keep it all, except they shot that video vertically. And that’s unforgivable!

Because it was created by a law basically saying “police yourself to our satisfaction, or we WILL censor it.”

Allow me to quote the Oxford English dictionary.

can we refer to any time a game company fucks up really badly, as pulling a Konami?

didn’t glory herself say she tried to convince a synth friend of hers to live with her memories but the friend decided to do it? From what I’ve seen the mind wipe is voluntary and the railroad actually wants the synths to keep their old memories.

I’ve played Cod 4 for years, and people don’t believe I don’t hack when I catch them behind a wall or by tossing a well-timed grenade. The thing is I shoot those places or toss a nade in that very spot all the time, it just seems like I’m too good the moment it lands me a kill. Not that I would feel compelled to try

Seriously. Bug or not, any AWPer worth their salt is going to drop a round there in that situation.

That was my hunch too. Sometimes you just know where you should probably toss a grenade or take a shot.

I thought this was the obvious answer

I’d argue it’s more this. He’s got to re-take the site, it’s looking bad and time is dropping. He can pop off a shot and maybe get lucky. It’s the same reason someone will wall bang a room on some maps. You have a feeling someone might be there.

Sure, maybe. But I’ve done that kind of stuff in shooters before. And the crowd doesn’t seem to react until after the shot was made.

and then half the crowd gasps, goes silent, or somehow let him know he was on the money. after all it does seem like he does a double-take.


You consider Crash Override Network in good faith?

ETA - And then there’s these gems that nobody on this side of the world ever talked about!

The thing about this instance is there was absolutely no mention of PVP in the original campaign. Nothing about multiplayer at all. There was a multi-million dollar stretch goal that mentioned some kind of “arena” mode. I’d never have surrendered a dime if I thought there would be any PVP focus. And there was no

This is the Metal Gear of horror game stories.

Here is mine.