
So, what does that mean for people who really don’t like how BK’s burgers taste? I’ve never found them very good. If this has a similar mouthfeel, am I just going to find it just as mediocre?

They can’t. Troyer died last year. That’s why he’s saying it’d be hard to make the movie.

Well that got pulled fast:

Nothing, since I’m not buying the game. :P

You say that. But games had this kind of stuff before, and it was included in the game. See tons of fighting games, rpgs, etc.

“It’s only cosmetics” has never held water for me. I like cosmetics. They’re important. They are a part of the game I enjoy, and just because some people don’t care, doesn’t mean you can nickle and dime on something I do enjoy. I am absolutely fine with paying for more video game up front. Been buying games with

Conventional wisdom is a curse on everything, from movies and games, to life in general. Conventional wisdom 10 years ago said the horror game was dead. Look at where we are now, where horror games are huge on steam, and a remake of resident evil 2 is one of the best games in the series.

I can’t even understand how very high this is on the list of things I really want now that I know about it.

The context actually makes it worse for me. Why would anyone believe that Trump would listen to anyones cries for help or decency?

Yeah, metroidvania is a tag on steam. I wish you luck on this. I mean, honestly, lots of genre titles don’t make much sense without context. I mean, I didn’t know until today that Film Noir means black film in french

Too bad most large tech companies do this for exactly those reasons. I doubt it’s illegal.

Have they figured out how to not have these things break every few months? I have two friends who own them, and they constantly complain about how they have to take them back to best buy under warranty to get them replaced.

She’s baiting him. It’s what caused the infrastructure fiasco. She said he’s covering stuff up, and he couldn’t deal with it. So he had a total shit fit. Now she’s saying he is incompetent and his family should deal with him. He’s going to EXPLODE. And when he explodes, he does dumb shit.

Found the actaul commercial mildy amusing, but I find the end phrase “ Don’t forget about it “ to end up sounding like the most blase advertising attempt at having you remember their product.

The problem is that Uber DOES sell rides to the customer. They don’t provide instructions on how to make your own smartphone app, and run your own driving service. They provide the service. They hook up drivers to riders. They take the customer’s money directly, take out their cut, and THEN pay the driver. That is not

You say that, but they made an ff4-2.

This isn’t what we want, but it’s probably what we deserve.

It’s almost like a post apocalypse with it’s constant trash, and very little people / creatures is easier to design around than a fleshed out city with tons of entities.

For some reason, I first read the topic as talking about a game that was basically Rediculous Fishing for Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley. And then I saw competitive shooter, and my heart sank. It does look neat. But I barely play competitive shooters as it is.

Fixed that for you. :D