
I was already playing through Ace Combat 4, and 5 (still have not found a copy of Zero) again, when I found a PS2 flightstick at Goodwill. Now I’m really amped up to keep playing them. I’m surprised how futuristic 4 is. It kind of reminds me of ZOE and ZOE2 in some weird ways. Ace Combat 5 continues being one of the

College students. Live in a college town. All of the fast food joints here stay open until 4, and they’re constantly full drive through lines after 10 pm.

Yes, can we have that please?

I’m pretty sure Logan was doing more than drinking. He had holes in his arm, and some sort of device in his hand. Future drugs anyone?

So, if Putin can tell this Russian lady to say she is a spy... doesn’t that mean she IS working for the Russian government? And is a spy?

Alucard looks really thin in the screenshots. He needs to eat more wall chicken.

If they really wanted to get my attention, they should of made this opening episode shareware. :P

You’re not wrong, but Ubisoft is still fucking up. All it’s teaching it’s playerbase is to never buy it’s games at launch. And that’s only going to hurt them in the long run.

I felt pretty much the same way about Andy Signore from Screen Junkies.

I still find it hard to buy with their ships optical displays. If it’s giving off interference, it should just disable their optical cameras entirely, not in such a localized area of their display. But this is getting nitpicky. It’s more an issue of them making up strange excuses so that they can go for the most drama

Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of F-35's? So that’s what, like 5 or 6 planes?

Man, I’m white, and I can get behind all of this stuff. I could listen to Keith David tell it like it is for the rest of my life. Also, I’m good with computers.

Am I even watching the same show everyone is watching? I’ve never been so bored and frustrated in my life. It seems so style over substance, and so far has been full of cliched and boring dialog. I’m still not finished, but it doesn’t seem to have any of the elements of trek that I actually like, while seeming more

Fanatics are going to fanatic. If you treat the shit you love like it’s religion, you’re going to act crazy about it. Look at pot heads who treat marijuana as such and that everyone should do it. (Pot’s great btw, but if you don’t want it, that’s totally cool. ) Or vapeheads. Or any number of film fans that idolize

There are always assholes who look at flawed self destructive characters as badasses and heros, even if the property says they’re going to lose everything that way. See scarface, sopranoes, breaking bad, wall street, etc.

The show is only getting better, and people want to kick out the writers that are helping make that happen? Fucking morons.

So is she going to get near raped/murdered at the beginning, and then horribly murdered over and over, groundhog day style? Cause that’s what happened in the recent games. :|

It doesn’t say he’s not a narcissist. It just says he doesn’t qualify for the debilitating disorder of being one.

I wouldn’t ignore the inspirations they took from Resident Evil either. The gun porn, people mutating into creatures, and overall asthetic of the game defintrely shares elements. This becomes even more apparent in PE2, where it’s basically an RE game with rpg elements.

Now playing

While I don’t disagree with the article, larger AAA companies are likely way less effected by this, with tax dodging, microtransactions, and just plain figuring out how to lower their expenses when making games. (I.e. firing people).