They are. It’s called sugar.
They are. It’s called sugar.
It’s probably more of an issue with media coverage. The Black Panther movement was relatively moderate, but they got cast as a terrorist group by the media.
Pretty sure Arya was in on the plan. It’s why she followed little finger looking like herself, instead of using her faces. She wanted him to know she was following him.
If you actually play the game regularly, most things are affordable with a little work and time. Expecially so if you group together with others.
There is nothing in this article about her being unemployed. Go back to your shitty gross bridge, troll.
I picked up these books again last week while in a goodwill, and had completely forgot about them. Was totally thinking about how they probably inspired quite a bit of anti-authoritarianism in me.
It’s funny, because Star Citizen gets a lot of shit, and as a backer, I can tell you, it’s basically an early access game. They’re constantly updating it, and adding new content, and I’ve been very satisfied with their progress so far. People just see the giant amount of money that people have pledged and the amount…
What? That I actually pay attention to the campaigns, and make an actual rational choice, instead of just blindly voting for nostalgia? Yeah, I sure am the problem.
I don’t disagree, but I find it weird that many of the big failed ones, like unsung story, I was already weary of, just looking at their campaigns. I didn’t invest in it, because of a number of reasons, but the biggest warning sign for me was how they had almost no video or actual communication from their japanese…
Well, it probably doesn’t help that I havn’t seen an interesting kickstarter in quite a while. Can’t back what doesn’t exist.
My friend was a Hog main, and hasn’t played the character in forever now. He hanzo mains now, and he hates it, but he doesn’t really like (or is very good as ) any of the other characters.
Yeah, I’m going to put it on their marketing, and not retro games being “done”. I’ve not heard of any of the games they’ve made, other than Eldritch, and that has plenty of retro graphics, and and I picked it up a while ago.
Amen brother. I like Cars 2 as well.
It’s funny, because the whole thing driving me away from broadcast television and most cable, IS THE ADS.
They have their own version of this problem.A bunch of rich chinese people bought out those cities and malls for renting, and nobody lives in them because rents are too high. China makes those cities to keep industrial production up, and to create jobs and growth. Many of them are ghost towns.
It’s funny, I’ve just started the second season, and so far, I’m finding the show makes too much sense. XD
The whole point to having incompetent people is to have the organizations they run fail, so that they can claim they have no value, and shut them down. The more incompetants they put into positions of power, the more government they can claim is worthless.
Are EULA’s legally enforable contracts? I thought they’d never been really put through the court process yet to have precedent? It’s been a while since I last heard about it though.
By making the memos, he did report it. He didn’t announce it publically, because he was building a case at the time. It’s pretty damning evidence, and it’s likely the trump campaign had no clue that Trump said that to Comey privately. It’s hard to create a defense against an attack if you don’t know where the attack…
I would assume it’s the industry part of term that’s doing it. Corporations by definition are organizations that take away bargaining power from others. So just because a business is new, doesn’t mean it’s not going to fall the same way all big business does.