
I’ve never gotten the complaint that Chrono Cross was a bad sequel to Trigger, when it’s more of a sequel to that game, than ANY of the Final Fantasy games ever were to each other. And it’s so good, it seems like an incredibly petty excuse to just dismiss a game out of hand.

Honestly can’t believe the 360 Pad is on this list. That thing was nearly as bad as the O.G. Xbox. Platter D-Pads are the worst. Could barely play SOTN with that thing.

...Why do I get the strange feeling that Ann Coulter is trolling Donald Trump?

I like that quite a bit. I was always a big fan of the Squall Is Dead theory from FF8, as well.

It’s why that game is so interesting. The bad guy wins half way through!

I havn’t played FF7 in a long time, but it always seemed clear to me that no matter what he said, Sephiroth was invariably accomplishing Jenova’s goals. I.e. Summon Meteor, Kill all the Lifeforce based life on the planet.

Even those two do it, since Jenova is behind all of Sephiroth’s antics, and Kefka is only a secondary antagonist compared to the empire, until oh wait, he’s the primary.

I’m pretty sure most Final Fantasies have had a big dumb secret bad guy behind everything every time. Jenova, Ultimecia, Exdeath, etc.

When you say reboot, do you mean rebooting your computer?

I think you could of cut down this article in half by just saying “interact with everything and everyone you find”

Not Bunny enough. :|

The scuttlebutt I’ve heard is that they think it’s someone posing as Nintendo, something that happened with Undertale as well. Nintendo normally sends C&D letters for projects like this, and instead, websites have been getting DMCA takedown notices, which Nintendo reportadly doesn’t normally use.

That’s what steam refunds are for now.

2 has input issues where you have to remove your keyboard and mouse just to use a controller, and even that works only sometimes. Both games required way more time on a support forum than I would of expected.

So Activision is doing the same thing with this that they did with their Prototype collection thing. Just shitting out an overly expensive quick port.

Need to see how they handle the re-release. If these are just a shitshow port like the Prototype collection got, there’s no way in hell I’m paying this much money for these games.

Wish I had something to really add to this, but I already bought this game after the giant bomb unfinished. Sucks that they didn’t get much traction.

I really want to play Setsuna, but everything I hear about it sounds like it misses the point entirely of why I liked Chrono Trigger. Sure it had some of the best gameplay and encounter design in an RPG. That stuff was great. But the reason I loved Chrono Trigger over all the other SNES RPG’s was that it was upbeat,

I never had a problem with the art. It’s a 3ds game. Of course they’re going to adjust it. My problem is I JUST WANT A GODDAMNED METROID GAME. WITH EXPLORING. AND BEING ALONE.

Oh god, why would you tell us this? Fate of Atlantis is probably my favorite adventure game. Now I’m going to be conflicted all day.