
If you were talking about the baby from Values, sure.

Game looks really interesting, but man did they crib their art design (maybe even game design) hard from Prison Simulator. It’s REALLY close. Worryingly close.

Florida is legally required to make all police reports public record.

Man, I really like the part where he admits the cops pulled the trigger too quickly. If you’re going to be a crackpot lawyer, you have to go all the way and say they were justified.

Does that mean I can sue the Elite Dangerous team for chaning their features and scope mid-development, and dumping all the offline features of their game?

Except for the part where E-D scaled back on their promises and deleted features, and is still behind SC in features even through it’s “completed” and getting paid expansions.

The PS4 version of this game is english dubbed. So, not new?

Put this up with Battlefield in the shitty hollywood producer cashgrab category. Something’s popular, GET THE IP.

Ugh, the classic I apologize for how you feel crap. I.e. I’m just sorry I got caught bullshit.

Now playing

I’ve been really enjoying these myself. It’s funny that it sounds like we handled the last two jobs in very similar ways.

Well that’s not exactly new information. The line about patience is said by one of the phone calls in the game. So they’re hitting the beehive with a rock to get activity again, I guess.

He’s not talking about the incursions though. HE’s talking about the new underground dlc which on hard has a 160 level recommendation. It should be a place he can go to shore up his loot.

Sorry. I meant RE5. There are way too many games in this series. :P

Wesker has been in more classic Resident Evil games than action resident evil games. Heck, the only game I didn’t like him in was RE6, and that’s just because he goes out like every other RE villian. Crazy and end the worldy. The whole reason I liked him is that he was one of the few villians that actually tried to

Yeah, that she could get in with a year at a different school means she’s so full of crap, it hurts. Gave her a hard work option, she didn’t take it.

I’d make the argument that remasters are bad for learning new consoles, since you’re not making engines and code built to take advantage of that console’s quirks, instead you’re adapting old engines and old code that are just - by definition - going to be clunky on the new system.

The camera bounces up and down slightly every time the ground shifts even a little. It’s actually really distracting (I don’t get motion sick) now that I’ve spotted it. What the hell were they thinking?

Fair enough.

Or maybe you’d have more GS210+ people to play with if you actually helped 180's get there?

That doesn’t take into account that for many people, all they can afford money, or time wise, is fast food. And when it’s spesifcally being designed to make you want to eat more of it, that’s a real issue.