
Play monopoly with free parking custom rules. Everyone will hate you by the end, easy.

Is it wrong that I get a little upset every time I see “Wheat Farm” or “Copper Mine” on that art? XD

Activison increasing production on multiple guitar hero games, so that when Rock Band Beatles came out, the market would already be dead and saturated, and Harmonix would flop.

Personally, it felt like it kind of just handwaved away all of the shit that happened in the previous seasons, and kind of made Mulder seem like a chump. They both saw first hand evidence of multiple alien speices all politicing over the planet and their plans for it, and this episode basically says, Naw, the

I don’t know what game industry you follow, but lots of developers delay games for all sorts of reasons. I mean Hitman has been delayed twice already. November last year had so many games move, it was insane.

Cab drivers are typically paid by commision and/or tips. I doubt many of them get an hourly wage.

If Iceberg Lounge is the infinte enemy challenge version, then I am all on board this pack. That map was great.

You should check out some of the more recently updated doom alien mods. They’ve practically built AVP2 stages in that engine.

This game had way more hidden depth than I expected it to. It actually reminded me alot of Majora’s Mask in how all of the NPC’s and the world run on clockwork, and you get to interact with it as you play.

From the quote, it looks like he just called them islamaphobes without much context for why.

That asinine censoring means that they can sell the game in Walmart. That’s much more important than your sensibilites to the company making the game. :P

Soy milk doesn’t have the texture of milk. Doesn’t work as well with cereal. Almond Milk is more frothy.

People need to calm down. Five days is amazing as far as response times for attacks go. Sony took a month to talk details about theirs. Companies kind of do need time to investigate what exactly happened and who were affected by it. Computers arn’t magic. They’re technology that require people to work on, and debug

I remember Lunar Magic being a point and click map editor for SMW, and was easy to use.

So if they made a pet simulator set in the 1910’s, using anime art, and called it fallout, you’d call it a true fallout game?

Where is the autoshotgun from Turok, with explosive rounds equipped?

Looking back into it, while many states did actually enact laws banning crime and horror books, the US Government didn’t threaten, and the CCA was willingly created based on public backlash, not government mandate.

Comics Code Authority was a publisher run organization. People called it censorship. How is this different?

I’d say replacing your mind with a new one isn’t exactly freedom either.

How do you convince the BoS to not murder the hell out of the railroad in that situation? Because they make you go after the railroad before they make you go after the institute. Wait, are you saying by killing the institute with the minutemen, you don’t have to kill the other organizations? How does that reconcile