
Still has risks. There’s also a synth brain dead in a coma from a bad wipe as well. ( Another friend of Glory, so that’s probably why she’s so against the process. )

There are missions where you have to hunt down Synths where the mem wipe went bad.

The Minutemen will eventually lead you to blowing up the BoS and the Institute if you don’t side with one of them too.

You can convince the minutemen to follow along with any of the other factions. Even the institute.

Except for the part where they also wantonly murder people in terrorist attacks, and release faulty synths into the world who turn into raiders themselves. (The whole mem wipe thing is super messed up, and not a good solution at all.)

Sadly, they all suck. They all have benefits to you and the wasteland, but they’re so deuchy in their hate of the others that they all eventually lead to genocide of the other factions, and there’s no real choice in that if you want to beat the game. Sigh. Why can’t we all just get along? Well, except the BoS. They’re

Fair enough, but the head of Konami PR? Really? How is that related to the development of the game?

I feel like the level until god thing is an assumption reviewers are making. I’ve beaten the game, at level 52, with 4 day of play and I defintely don’t have 10 in every stat, or enough skills everywhere to do anything I want. I have enough to be a god at at one thing, and okay at a bunch of others. And some that I’m

Women in STEM fields is more a result of culture, than human nature. As far as computer science goes, marketing in the 80’s for personal computers for children tended to focus on boys, and it turns out marketing can impact human culture immensely.

Ugh, I hate when companies create restrictions based on things that arn’t as big a deal as they think they are. People can ALREADY download youtube videos using third party programs.

Man, this stuff wouldn’t bother me if they weren’t constantly coming out with paid 15 buck expansions. The game is pay to play already. I already quit playing the game because of how much it cost to keep playing , with a loot drop system that already felt like a F2P game. This just seals the deal that I will never

Sure, maybe. But I’ve done that kind of stuff in shooters before. And the crowd doesn’t seem to react until after the shot was made.

Playing maps for a long period of time can also give you a good feel for places people like to hide, expecially around bomb sites.

Okay, while yes, everything in the environment in that level is built to explode when it gets shot, it’s not happening without cause. You have three ai partners in that stage, who are all on the turrets as well, and they’re shooting too. The robots the whole game have an effect where if they emp explode, they can set

1. How is anyone surprised about this?

Has nobody actually watched the stuff Bethesda released on the perks? These perk lists from the leaks are missing 90% of the perks. Those stars listed in perks? Those are perk upgrades that give you MORE perks based on that perk. So we’re only seeing the first level of each perk, and nothing else.

Now playing

There’s an AR challenge for Azarel where you take on infinite thugs in a no-hit challenge, and it’s probably my favorite in the game as far as challenge goes.

I’m pretty sure LEGO keeps a stringent lockdown on who can and can’t sell LEGO, and you have to be an affliated partner to do so. So no, he can’t just buy new bulk LEGO from anyone but LEGO. He can only get them used now.

What part? The new equipment that completely destroys the balance of the game, or the incredibly grindy time travel zone where you constantly have to backtrack over the same multi-screen areas dozens of times?

The last time they made a port of chrono trigger, they added a whole bunch of new content, and it was all incredibly terrible, storyline wise and gameplay wise. I’d rather they just leave it alone, or get a new team to make a new game in the series and just sort of reboot it.