
I can’t imagine there are cards that don’t have a phone app to make payments from. Which won’t LET you overpay the account, and who mails checks today?? I pay mine off weekly or more (I also run up HUGE balances due to work travel).

We went for the non-basket air fryer but I reckon this is achievable in a lined roasting tin. Mixing this with Gin or Tequila would be next-level.

I am one of those sickos and can’t wait to try this brilliant recipe.

You mention 2001 A Space Odyssey but don’t put it on the list? The first 23 minutes of the movie has no dialog - just grunting monkeys and floating space ships - and it’s magnificent!

It is so good and very moving. Enjoy! And I don't think it is boring in the slightest.


All three Lord of the Rings movies. Better than an Ambien. 


Oh man, I *love* sweet & salty! This sounds right up my alley

Saltines frankly pair well with literally everything. Thanks for a new suggestion!

In our more than 50 years of marriage, we have owned homes both in and out of HOAs. The last house we purchased, in 2012, will in fact be our last and we searched long and hard to find a house we liked with the features we needed/wanted but with no HOA.

Not true at all.

My advice as someone who flies for work more than any human really should have to? DON’T TRAVEL FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Just don’t (at least flying). It takes very little to cause utter chaos, and if you are a casual, occasional traveler with no status with the airline you will be stuck somewhere for DAYS potentially. Doing

Have we ever gone back to old Farmer’s Almanac predictions and compared them to the actual weather experienced for those times? That would make an interesting article.

It brings to mind a favorite from my childhood. Kugel: potato, noodle or matzo. Recipes abound, all would benefit from the sheet pan treatment. It’s not the most photogenic dish, but it’s an 11 on the comfort food scale.

I think it is because it is a USB A cable. I was all in to purchase this when I saw the headline, then when I read it was USB A, I remembered something about different charging capacities between USB A and USB C.
The first Google result for “usb a vs usb c charging capability” gives:

Love that mix of crunchy cheese and pasta and mushy cheese and pasta. Put some air fried bacon in there as well.

ps: maybe turn off autoplay, instead.”

That is not even close to what kanban is. Kanban is a visual-signal pull-system to minimize Inventory and WIP on a shop floor - you might be able to can-open it into a task management tool but why would you want to? But I gift lifehacker that name “The Can-Opened Canban System”.

But I want them to recommend stuff to me. That’s the point of it all. My YouTube knows what I like