
Um, sorry, but no.

If it were that simple, there wouldn’t be certain medicines or medical conditions that make you rapidly gain weight. The body can and does react to calorie restriction. 

What I want to see is a comparison where the reviewer sets aside both of the ravenous fanbases and go toe to toe for value, service, quality, and company ethics.

The title of your article is pretty clickbaity. What this study does is not that IF is not the answer. It shows that it is an option, just like regular caloric restriction. It may work well for some people, and it may not for others, but it is a tool that people can try out to see if it works well for them. It should

Which seems obvious to most? Intermittent fasting makes it easier for some people to be in that caloric deficit though.

It isn’t YOUR answer. Nothing is everyone’s answer. Maybe it works for some. So tired of absolutes.

I had a Costco membership for about 6 months and dropped it and got a refund. Went back to Sam’s club. Costco Parking lot was overcrowded, store was over crowded, some portions were larger than I liked.. Sam’s club has curbside pick up and shipping is always free. One time I ran out of medication and the Store was

Except that this is complicated by many things, including the fact that, when the body detects an imbalance in the calories in and calories out, it is incredibly good at reducing at rest activity and increasing cravings - all to bring things into balance again. This is something we obviously don’t want, but the

{Loses 50 lbs slowly over the past 4 years through intermittent fasting a primarily plant based diet}


Lol. It’s not, though.

This is about time-restricted eating, which is only one type of IF, well-known to be the least effective method. 

When I was trying to lose weight and go high protein I used to eat cottage cheese mixed with a packet of flavored tuna.

Costco generally offers better quality items than Sam’s Club, such as their prime meat selections and wine selection.

Every year when I explain to non-Muslims how Ramadan fasting works they always says “you must lose a ton of weight” and I always just shake my head because when you eat doesn’t dictate losing weight, it’s how much you eat.  And when you fast for long stretches of time in a day you tend to make bad choices when you do

Oh, I get that! Whatever works at the time. :)

For me, intermittent fasting worked better than other methods of weight loss because it took all the guesswork out. I didn’t have to do fuzzy calorie math, or whether foods were “good” or “bad,” or anything like that. All I had to do was look at the clock.

I am trying it with the cast iron as a challenge.

I was buying 3 pound bags of potatoes but they’re 30 cents less than the five pounders. When I have a 5 pounder and the time, I make mashed potatoes and freeze them in small portions in my vacuum sealer. I use a waxed paper sandwich bag, fill it 3/4 full, fold the top over then put that in a sealer bag and seal it

I recently pan fried a london broil in my large cast iron and then made a simple pan sauce with the drippings on an induction stove top. It’s like magic! Delicious, delicious magic.

It’s funny here. I’ll buy a 5 pound bag of potatoes and use them in a week. I’ll buy a 5 pound bag of potatoes and they’ll turn to sugar or start growing before I can use them all. I don’t know why, it just goes in spurts. So when they do the latter, the canned ones are lifesavers. I’ve tried the brand name canned by