Replied to the wrong comment earlier: I wonder if she meant 4-5 minutes?
Replied to the wrong comment earlier: I wonder if she meant 4-5 minutes?
Roast ginger for 45 minutes under the broiler? That seems like an awfully long time, is that right? I’d have thought anything would burn to a crisp in that time frame.
Possessed by a demon?
Some oils should never be put on the skin, no matter what the dilution. For example, cinnamon essential oils (whether true cinnamon bark, true cinnamon leaves or cassia) is deeply irritating to the skin. Even in dilution, it’s a damn stupid thing to subject yourself to.
It is beyond naïveté to say something must be…
np :)
I think any mild tasting beans would work well
I don’t have a recipe any more (it’s one of those dealer’s choice recipes we riff on these days), but it’s a seared 5-6 lb leg of lamb*, half a cup of pitted olives, half a cup of unsweetened dried cherries**, six cloves of garlic, onions or shallots to taste, a teaspoon of cumin, half a teaspoon each of black pepper…
Peanut butter works really well in hummus. I used it when I forgot to buy tahini
are you determined on a roast? Because we just had a braised leg of lamb (sort of like a pot roast) for Christmas with olives and fruit and garlic and lemon juice and cumin, and it was amazing.
Please identify these great diners that ban very young kids during dinner times, I will patronize them exclusively.
Who the fuck takes their kid to a gastro pub for dinner anyway.
Maybe it’s because I like a martini with my steak dinner, but salty, savory, slightly fruity olives have always…
Methink the lady (or entitled Dad) doth protest too much.
Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in…
There are tons (literally, of course, har har) of Packers fans in Minnesota. I’m just one of them. We prefer to back a franchise owned by a couple of hundred thousand burghers over the one owned by a civil racketeer and his brother. Plus, you know, all the winning and whatnot.
I’ve done this for monthly income and expenses, broken down into essentials like insurance, rent & utilities and loan payments. I also keep gas and groceries separate because those fluctuate and I modify their amount based upon the average of the previous 12 months.
Is it? Do you have a separate refrigerator just for butter that you would turn off if you weren’t refrigerating your butter?
Exactly, I put butter and hot sauce on nearly everything I eat, and I am not ashamed.
Counterpoint: Yes, I will.