Now that we've regulated all the long time, decade long time in my case, Gawker commenters to the grey area for some troll that just appeared on Jezebel, can we get certain sexist authors banned to the grey area too?
Now that we've regulated all the long time, decade long time in my case, Gawker commenters to the grey area for some troll that just appeared on Jezebel, can we get certain sexist authors banned to the grey area too?
The people who are destroying Jezebel are heroes. Jez is a hate site, through and through.
I'm being completely, maybe ignorantly serious when I ask- in what way are these images a safety threat? I get that yeah gross you'd rather not see them but beyond that I don't see it as a safety issue.
That's because the women that 'write' for this site are third rate and all of the 'news' tends to be opinion peaces on articles that broke elsewhere.
How do you people work as bloggers not know how IP addresses function? Ban mine, watch me post again in a moment, ban that, repeat.
The complaint may be valid but none of you have offered a solution, I feel badly for your employer that they have to work with such willfully ignorant jack asses who then take their…
"Safety" really? It's incredibly patronizing and sexist to suggest that women are so fragile as to have their safety infringed by pictures.
you know things can't be that bad when you start saying animated GIFs compromise people's safety.
"we were told that there were no plans to enable the blocking of IP addresses, no plans to record IP addresses of burner accounts. "
Yeah, I can't imagine why they're prioritizing an integral part of their business over (I can't put enough quotation marks around the word) "safety". (if your idea of safety is never seeing anything unpleasant, I don't know where you got the idea that the internet is supposed to be safe)
How about Jezebel not post an article about penis pretzels so that we all can be taken seriously?
Yeah? She can be an NFL QB?
-10 points for the 100% wrong use of literally in your first sentence.
I'll just follow that up with:
but you write pieces about farting and taking dumps.
Tracy, you're a really disgusting female. Have some fucking class.
Girls dressing as boys and vice versa isn't necessarily offensive IMO. Why does it necessarily have to be about mocking trans people?
I agree. It's tasteless, but not racist. If they took a picture making fun of ridiculous hipster trends, no one would accuse them of racism. Frankly, what seems the most racist here is that Mark is implying that gang culture is somehow part of African American or Hispanic cultures.
Let's see kill the birds or risk human life... I understand it may be inhumane, but they may not have access to any other substance that can kill them humanely unless its a Justin Beiber CD on blast but then humans would be treated inhumanely so we have to draw a line...