
I agree that this is myopic. We could also complain about the low number of female coal miners, low number of female electricians, low number of female construction workers, low number of female soldiers, low number of female garbage collectors... low number of male nurses, low number of male grade school teachers,

Why do we expect advertisements to contain messages that have nothing to do with the product? Is "pasta" code for some LGBTQ thing nobody told me about?

this is retarded*

"Oh, Game of Thrones. Could it be we've gone a few weeks without a rape? Or should I say, rapes."

Everyone in this situation is a retard.

I've never known a single MRA that would condone something like this. MRA's are far more interested in equality with family law, education and the courts. It's a bit like saying all feminists are misandrists.

Does a 300lb woman have a bikini body that anyone should have to see? I wont ask for the woman to be arrested, but why do that to strangers trying to have a good time?

You act like suicide is something that just happens to you. Ridiculous that a bunch of babies have to have a doctor chop on their bodies or they'll go kill themselves. People have all kind of issues with their bodies that they just live with. It's also funny that you think doctors are gods with their opinions.

DrDonna, I'm one of the "not my tax dollars" and "not medically necessary." I am asking you for your opinion on how this is medically necessary? Post surgery transgenders are dying at a far greater % than the gender they changed to caused by the hormones(various medicines) to make them something genetically they were

That kind of morbid obesity should not be normalized. It's a disturbing trend. You can pseudo-intellectualize it as much as you'd like, maybe even draw a few clever comparisons and analogies. Maybe throw up some outlying study about how not all "fat" people are unhealthy. Still, it's not a good thing, and feeling