
I think the best retort so far (on Twitter) was, you were 18 in 1999 and 29 in 2016?

Sounds slippery

Dude needs to step up his game if he want to make Elite.....

I think that was Alito?

Damn, I was about to get around to making zoodles (more as a prank to foist upon my family than anything, tbh).

The Thanksgiving one is the best

I love avocados, and avocado on bagels, actually, but it never occurs to me to eat that for breakfast.

I am reading that in his voice....

Process writing is the most difficult form....

Yeah, did the flat whites thing jump over here from Singapore or what?

Hey now!

And gluten free?

They lure you in with this concept, but invariably there is some browning or stacking or filling to do AKA cooking.

Everyone is off playing Pokemon Go.

Also, more meat.


Not that there is anything wrong with ginger pubes, just. In THIS case....

True and not to take this further into gross territory, but ok why not maybe he also has ginger pubes, so the whole package would just be a stoplight screaming NO!

Really well said!

Which is a thing. My latest two examples were a boy who threw down four hot dogs as a “filling up the cracks” kind of thing (19 six three built like a fit linebacker), and the same kid and my son eating BBQ, which meant meat, two starchy sides, a bread side, my bread, dad’s bread, and my starchy side (after I took a