
Plus, say what you will of Palin, no one is ever going to make a porn of Carly Fiorina (please no one prove me wrong, please no one prove me wrong).

I will be on that jury with you, hopefully. ACQUIT!

Will Ferrelll was really born to be a gif, wasn’t he?

Snopes cite always deserves a star!

So really, one can only become ungreyed by finding a patron among the writers, in a backwards rendition of 14th Century Florence?

Exactly like that!

I thought he was Native American.

My last work place had a ton of tall, white, earnest, bearded young men named things like Josh, Ben, what have you. No one could tell them apart.

All gifts here. Williams-Sonoma stuff I would never buy myself, and classically has outlasted the marriage and is in to the next :)

There's a lot of that going around, like the congress critter who was going to boycott the Pope despite being Catholic. I mean, does nobody understand what infallible means around here anymore? Sheesh!

What is this Peru thing people keep mentioning?

I once ate at the next table over from her at a cafe on Rodeo Drive....

That is some Pinterest-worthy grossness.

My son HATES her.

I thought you were making a joke but I now see that you weren't.

Annnnnd this is why you don't send these kinds of texts.....they will inevitably show up on Jezebel. When will they learn?

Dammit I hadn't seen your reply!

Duh, it's spelled anyhoo!

Tell us what you really think, Noble.

Great! Just, great!