

Are those pretzels really purple or do I need some away-from-the-screen time?

Treat yo self!

Oh shit I need that, I probably scream that at least once a month!

Both seems reasonable, but also too, they seemed think what they were doing was aces....or did they? I mean they did post/cast pseudonymously. Throws up hands. I'm going with cretinous.

Sure, ‘the cover up is always worse than the crime’ is a chestnut for that reason, but I think it seems more commonplace today. Which is ironic, in that with social media you would think more people would realize the likelihood of getting caught, but instead it serves as fuel.

Seems to be a theme in our culture lately.

At that point, one might want to maybe do a little searching and fearless self inventory and come to the conclusion that one is gay.

I did not think it was possible but I hate them even more now. No one should have ever patronized that shop with descriptions like those.

The worst kind.

As a fat 48 I second that gif.

I think I have their Greatest Hits...

He lost a point for dropping out of the race tho.

Probably what their espresso tastes like as well....

And you get a star, and YOU get a star, and you get a infinitum.

And the way it is worded reads, “I thought it would stay anonymous. I was wrong.” I don’t think that is an oversight. This guy ONLY feels bad that his superhero alter ego was unmasked. Gross gross gross. They can close now, I am sure every woman in town mentally feels like there are pubic hairs in their coffee.

Gross. And, business owners in a small city? Stupid.


Or, you know, kidnapping. Tomato, tomahto....

It is either that or they have one set for cosmetics news.