After splitting from Gwyneth he probably farted for a week nonstop. You know she doesn't allow that behavior in the house.
I was the fattest baby who ever lived. It was wonderful.
I miss Dodai :(
He's 22 — and homeless by choice. He could have been living with his family, but decided to bum around LA using resources for throwaway/runaway teens who aren't safe in their homes of origin.
I'm not suggesting people are getting overly upset about this: I'm suggesting that people are making hyperbolic claims about the people who look at these photos, such as the fact that they're sex criminals or being guilty of sexually assault. That's absurd and fucked up.
I'm not trying to advocate for any specific reaction to this incident. I'm just saying that it doesn't really bother me all that much because it's not the sort of thing that has an effect on me personally. I'm mentioning the readership's reactions to other issues like queer issues just as a retort to the attempts at…
I'm not saying your husband is a liar. He is probably telling the truth. But no idiot believes "did you look at naked photos of Jennifer Lawrence?" is a neutral question. No one is that dumb.
"...and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he's going to look at porn and you."
Slow clap for taking the piss out of a mentally ill woman. Bravo, Madeleine. If the woman with the flammable shoes actually exists (rather than being "funny"), I suggest that says more about your healthcare system than anything else.
"I wore it attending the VMA'S with gay discharged soldiers from the military to make a statement. When we die, the meat on our bones bears no sexuality, no difference. We should not discriminate against those willing to give their life to protect Americans. Because when our lives are taken, we are meat all the same."
Why is it that Jez calls out other columns for fat-shaming, slut-shaming, victim-blaming etc, but it's okay to make fun of a poor girl with a mental illness? Tacky, cruel, mean girls.
Jezebel, come on.
Amanda Bynes has landed in New York City and is once again acting particularly Bynesian.
Weren't y'all gonna stop harassing Amanda Bynes since she's like, suffering from a mental condition?
Let's not make fun of mental illness, please.
Seconded. I understand why she's leaving, though. Being passed over for an outside candidate with less experience says a lot about your ability to move up in the organization.
that is oddly specific for multiple people to be doing that.