I don't think this is true at all. Look at Miley Cyrus, who is arguably the most discussed pop-star today. And most of that discussion is centred around her in-your-face sexuality, and it's usually not positive either.
I don't think this is true at all. Look at Miley Cyrus, who is arguably the most discussed pop-star today. And most of that discussion is centred around her in-your-face sexuality, and it's usually not positive either.
I can't even believe that little twit resorted to "it was a joke". I mean, it's not like you can expect much from someone willing to make comments like that, but... Shit. You'd think at the very least he'd have a PR person telling him to make his apology sound sincere. Fuck him.
while the groom pokes drunkenly through twitter trying to figure out what footie he happened to miss.
I can see this being me and my fiancee... When we drink together and are on the same level, everything is fine. But if one of us is sober and the other is drunk, it usually leads to an argument because (according to each other) we are both highly annoying drunks.
I dunno, if there's say an hour of prep time shouldn't her call time be earlier? I agree that it's disrespectful to everyone else you work with if you're showing up with minutes to spare, then why isn't her call time earlier so they do hair, make-up, prep etc before she actually starts?
I believe Kesha, and I'm sorry she had to go through all of this. But seriously. "He forced her to snort something before getting on a plane." I'm with her on everything else she says, but that... No. How about just not snorting it?
This is exactly it. Don't we all have a little Anne Hathaway inside us?
Aw, watching that speech made me kind of like her more. She's so visibly nervous and rattled and trying to say her shit without looking like an idiot, it's kind of endearing.
As an actor, her job is to be liked. For famous actors, their likeability is arguably even more important than their acting ability. It's really not fucked up, it's just how being famous works.
I'm really curious as to what Katherine Heigl is like.
I always find this kind of hilarious.
According to the TMZ article, this woman is "still a fan and won't press charges."
Something about it still looks really weird.
I thought dating a musician would be fun until I dated one. He was a perfectly nice guy and not as self-centred as you might expect, but holyfuckingshit all he ever talked about was music. He was studying music, teaching music and playing in a band and he always used to try have these long, winding conversations with…
If she has a mental illness, she definitely should not be smoking weed unless it's OK'd by her doctor. For most people, smoking weed is harmless but that changes drastically if you have a mental illness.
I think the problem stems from the same place, whether the guy is a whiny asshole or a successful superbro - Either way, women are viewed as nothing more than objects. I think that's the core issue, the way they are perceived will depend on their personality (and often, their appearance and success) but either way it…
This is purely anecdotal, but every man I've met who is vehemently against feminism was an utter and complete shitstain. Complete MRAs who follow that ridiculous dating strategy (I can't remember what it's called, the one that talks about "negging") and bitch and moan about no woman wanting to date them. I have a…
This is sad, but a very valid point. When it comes to Kim Kardashian, I understand. Despite not particularly liking her, I understand that the things she does are newsworthy (not really, but you get what I mean)... And recently there hasn't been much Kim, but here's loads of Kendall and Kylie - Who are arguably even…