Anthony Weinerparty

And a final reminder: Street racing is the dumbest thing and the people who do it are literal human garbage.

I think the last time we helped for helps sake was the Former Yugoslav Republics and some people still hate us for it.

well you should brush up your StrongBad because to him Deuce meant fists. i still don't know how the chunking part modifies it tho

Okay that is not even close, though. Rampant cartel violence, mass disappearances, and systemic police corruption is not the same thing as rudeness or bad food.

I feel like the people at Gawker Media just talk out their ass when it comes to Texas. We get it. You think everything the state of Texas and the people in it do is dumb, ridiculous and irrational. But you don't really know about all the violence that happens Mexico and Texas surrounding cartels, do you? Because if

As opposed to doing what?

Please, America, continue your journey into torpidity so that I may continue to shine bright like a diamond at 50% off.

Earnest question about photography: Putting aside Richardson's history as a sexual predator, what is this guy's appeal? I admit to knowing very little about the art of photography, but am I the only one who finds nothing special about the high-flash, disposable-camera-style Richardson portfolio?

it's like, i can't find it hot, because i know they were molested by him.

Why do we keep asking successful actresses if they can "have it all"? They work a few months out of the year and make millions (or at least hundreds of thousands). That's plenty of time to be there for kids/spouse if the actress has them, and plenty of money to pay for help during the time that she's working. If

gender inequality aside, I have to say, I wish our economy was operating like 1955 in most other aspects. If that were the case, we'd have robust unions, smaller overall income inequality, a strong manufacturing sector, well maintained pensions funded by the companies... Well, you get the idea.

She noted, just a little acidly, that "we don't talk about whether or not men can have it all. Because they can."

I think it's flashing oars? They also like Journey, Def Lepperd, umm my toddler loves Rainbow in the Dark(also Spice Girls:( but he is only two), and they love The Cars and Queen. Their only goal is the western shore. Haaa

from what i've seen on the internet, pee-in-vee sex isn't even half the way anymore


I don't care what you anyone says. The proportionality of primitive craziness is MUCH higher amongst Muslims than any other religion. Also, it is plain as day that the level of integration among the muslim population in Europe is minimal. It's all Allah this, Sharia that. Grade A fucking loony toons. It's all going to

Is it even worth trying to bring them back at this point? They're radicalized. Let them stay radicalized over there in ISIS territory.