
If Netflix/Marvel were smart, they'd ditch plans to make a second season of both Luke Cage and Iron Fist, and simply create one series with BOTH characters together…like they were once paired in the comics.

Yeah….and Astro is now a pitbull……..

you mean Rosie as Rosie…..don'tcha?

I never knew about the theory of you-know-what and so I was delightfully surprised….as far as the rest of it, you are not incorrect……

There are A LOT of things wrong with the writing in Season 7 so far, including how distances are traveled so F-ing fast, now, and those Big-Ass Chains….

",,,hhhmmmmm…….space pie!………."

I already watched EP 6 and without spoiling anything….hang on to yer hats!! It was the best episode SO FAR this season…..67 minutes of Northern Madness….with one of the BEST last 45 seconds of an episode in a LONG TIME! WOW!!!! BUT: Prepare for a LOT of people pissed off about certain things….including, "chains".

I gave up before episode one had even ended… was just…..awful. Gawd-Awful….

…mebbe they're the Klingon version of "The Four Tops"…?

…harvest you….

Yeah I watched the first episode, and have to say the show kinda sucks. Disappointed. Sad……

Ken: have you watched "Enterprise"? Because there are a bunch of eps that are fantastic. And in the 4th (last season, there's a 2-parter about the "Mirror Universe" that's really great, with the theme song also "mirrored"!

That was the WORST….

The summer of 2017 shall always remain, from here on, as "the Summer of Twin peaks The Return". It is historic. Wow Bob, Wow!

"Kids in America"

I thought the SAME thing!

Janey-E sure is one "tough dame"….

R.I.P. Mr. Furst. Just hafta say, that anytime I saw him, or was reminded of him, my mind instantly went to 2 places: first, the shot of his panic-stricken face when the fraternity are going through the pictures/slides of potential pledges (everybody throws their beer cans at it) and second, the great words of wisdom

Harley??? Who Dat, Chief?

Kokomo: a nadir in pop music. That song (the 80's version) used to make me wish I could've ripped my own head off of my body…..just, the WORST…….