
No contest: Sgt. Pepper! I have never liked the Bitch Boys…..

I am hoping, as I have had for a while now, that the finger in question PLEASE gets some dry-conditioned attention….

I tells ya, each season is great. I used to think #1 was my choice over #2, although both are fantastic….but, this season, #3, is unbelievably spectacular! And I've only watched through Episode 7 (trying to savor it, ya digs?)…

(Have to preface this with) Because I am older than most people here, the 3rd Doctor was my first back in 1970, when I was 11……I really feel this script would have perfect as one of the 3rd/4th Doctor serials i.e., a 4 or 5 part serial at approx 20 minutes each part. It truly had THAT feel, and, I know fans will

Hawley is one of our current GREATS… much as I wish he'd do another Fargo (one set in the 1930's) I really hope he one day adapts for television his great novel "A Conspiracy of Tall Men".


"Why would we go and do it again?" Uh… Some of those actors might need more, or, some.

Ya know what? FUCK Chance T. Rapper!

Hey, can someone help me with a dumb question I have: In the casino manager's office, with Brett Gelman giving Dougie his money, who is the person in the picture on the wall…..I know it's a famous person….but cannot figure it out. Thanks!

I know how you feel. But. You have to take your focus away from YOU, and learn to see you and your life as great opportunities to DO….especially for others, and animals, fight for and help those who cannot help themselves or have no voice. Also, volunteering, doing selfless acts for others. You are here, one day you

First trump gets us out of the Paris Climate accord, and now this. Two very clear indications that the End Times are here!

We are NOT the leader…..we are, perhaps, the "Great Satan", I hate to admit……yet with Trump now, and the republicans turned to the Dark Side… wonder other countries hate us. We are only getting worse…..glad I'll be dead in ten years, if not sooner…

He'll never procreate…..there's something seriously wrong with that kid, I tells ya……

Katie, you're the best!

Most likely I am older than the writers at the A.V. Club, along with many of its' readers (born late '58). When it first aired Twin Peaks was the most amazing thing on television…..and even though some didn't stay for all of it, I did. And, the WORST cliffhanger in history ("How's Annie?") devastated me! I mean, I

As a Montanan these past 29 years (half my life) I have to say this asshole and all the other hypocritical bible-thumpin' rednecks give the state a bad name. Yet there are more assholes out here than ya'd think….or want. Republicans have NO problem with criminal behavior as long as their party benefits from it.. If a

California Gothic is awesome.

Man, those aliens don't need much time anymore to grow, do they? B minus….

This is a really good show….

we're doomed….