Anthony Rock

Perfectly said.
I have wondered over the years how some of the scripts passed any sanity checks.I will say though that those actors deserve every penny of their salary. It must have taken a horrendous amount of self discipline for them not to tell Shonda they refuse to take part in the ridiculous plots.
I simply do

Hindsight they say is 20/20. Had I known the show was going to become the mess it is, I would have stopped watching at the end of S2

It's a shame Scandal did not live up to its potential. It could have been so much better than the abysmal stupidity it became. I stuck with it for several seasons in spite of its continuing inanities.The abortion however was the straw that broke this back…
I have read several times that the show does not have a story

"…drama in their personal live, like Shonda…" Meh, given Shonda's track record- thanks but no thanks

Good. Elementary is one of the few shows that I watch.

Bill: "It looks like a kitchen, high end kitchen"

LOL- That was such a good one.


I'm liking this companion. Bill is proving to be a hoot. It's funny, downright hilarious when the Doctor goes off on one of his rants and she asks a succinct question that almost unravels him. The banter is fun as Nardole states.

Ah but therein lies the issue - that is not the fundamental premise of the show - at least that was not what the interviews with Shonda, her partner and Judy Smith the DC fixer on which the show was based in the early seasons. What the show has devolved to is as far as east is from the west. Is Judy Smith name still

Every time I see this comment I never understand it. People are their own agents are they not? They are free to watch or not watch, criticize a show or not as they see fit, are they not? Why does it concern you so much?
It's as if you feel personally slighted because someone call a show stupid, a show with which you

It's not in our DNA

So there's a B-614 now? Tell me you kidding…

LOL. Good one.

What does it matter to you if someone hates on the show? Good gracious me - it's a free country until Chump erects the wall.

I know Shonda too well too. She played me for five and a half seasons. She's not getting me again…

I did the same.

It won't even need to be a mammoth spat. Heck Fitz leaves the toilet seat up - and they will break up over that

First time I found any part of this show amusing.

Sorry, but hell no!
I can't deal with Ward.