Anthony Rock

Me too. Me too

I'm so sick and tired of that little boy. Why the hell do so many shows have annoying children in them? Thanks to the inventor of the DVR and for its FF capability

As long as you bring back Bill, I'm good.

Ah so sorry to hear. And yet that orange idiot is still alive… live is surely ironic…

I disagree. Bill the character was one of the best companions ever.

Just bring back Bill. Her stint as a companion was way too short

I'm going to have to watch the episode again, coz I don't get the Missy. Master thing. Aren't Missy and the Master supposed to be the same being - i.e. the only other Time Lord?

I like Bill. She's one of the best companions ever.

Perhaps that's why it was such a yawwwwwwn

What I found hilarious about that B613 thing, you remember Sally's chief of staff that was selling classified secrets? The all powerful B613 couldn't figure out who the seller of secrets was - it took OPA to do it. Yet this was the all powerful and all knowing agency mind you… What a crock

I guess Shonda has decided to live out the frustrations of her personal life in her shows. I wonder what message she thinks she will send to her adopted children.
As someone who has worked in marketing, I would have fired the hell out of her if she worked for me and messed with the golden goose as she has done with

He not only killed James, but an agent from the NSA and a reporter.
So the NSA is supposed to be a super secret agency as well, one of its agents that worked on highly sensitive stuff goes missing and it does what? Nothing apparently. And the reporter goes missing and the news agency does what?
This is the lunacy that

Yes Olivia did..And i agree totally that there is little sense in characters' motives

I recall a scene between Abby and Cyrus where Abby stated that the American public and everyone loved Olivia. So not only was there never any clues showing her dissatisfaction, the clues provided indicated just the opposite. She even had the power because Fitz turned to her for practically every move he needed to make.

So Barry who could deflect bullets and survive being run over by a car
got suprised by two robot dogs…

Nope. No can do with such an end.

I couldn't get into HTGAWM. I found it ridiculous that the lead was whining about her husband sleeping with other women while she was doing the same thing. Then I couldn't deal with the younguns… I had absolutely no interest in any of them.

The S5 breakup and the abortion was only one of the many discordant acts in this show. I'll have to disagree with you about the abortion thing… Here is a man you are supposed to love above all else; who earned you; who divorced his wife for you; who told the entire world that the day begins and ends with you and

Why didn't the execs at her network reign her in? Was Scandal successful for a time? Sure? Could it could have been successful for even longer? I firmly believe that it could. What I find totally bizarre is how she and everyone destroyed the product that created the success in the first place.

So let's see… The killer robot who made a last supper montage of Trexler's goons and smacked Zerk with one back hand, was pulled apart by killer dogs. And Zerk who got tossed aside like a straw in the wind by said killer robot easily bested said killer dogs who the killer robot couldn't.