Anthony Rock

Thanks for the correction of Maggie's age

Still don't get this show.

Maggie is supposed to be in her early twenties. She just happens to have genius level IQ.
It was ridiculous for her mother not to tell her she was ill. What was she going to do? Drop dead and then tell her oops… She should have told her the moment she received the diagnosis so that Maggie could have prepared herself.

Are you for real? Some reasonable grown people kill themselves when they experience a major life event. Some people shoot, kill, maim, go into depression, starve themselves, refuse to get out of bed,eat and become obese, when they experience major life events. But pray tell, in what way did the character behave like a

Not in my opinion. She's perfectly fine from where I'm typing

Oh kindly ease up on Maggie, the character is perfectly fine!

This is one of the inanities I find about paranormal shows/books/movies. Evil in these media is pulled either from Christian or some other religious philosophy. Yet the good from these philosophies never exist - how freaking bloody bizarre. How many more times am I suppose to be regaled with lunacy of some celestial

Me likey this show.

Meh.. Glad I watched Trial & Error instead.

This show is hilarious

I agree with you that the actor is doing a good job.

Only the unintelligent resort to a foul mouth. Someone spewing F- bombs every third word would not be someone who has a command of language.

Why? What more would being foul mouthed add to the depiction of the character?
I disagree with you BTW. Her swearing on the show is on point. No need for more. I dislike seeing anyone being foulmouthed. It's usually a sign of a lack of intelligence.

Well then,I apologize for mistakenly claiming you continue to watch the show.
I have seen several posters make the claim that they hate watch it, annoy watch it, have the TV on as background noise, watch it while doing dishes yada yada yada… As long as this is the case, these still add to the numbers of who are

The show is still a moneymaker. Even with ratings down 50% it is still doing better than quite a few shows. The show losing viewers has been the norm for a few seasons now, but as long as it still has millions of viewers flocking - it will continue. I recall during seasons 1-2 the going ons between Olivia and Fitz

If the point of the show is to maintain viewer interest, then their strategy is working, isn't it? How many time have I seen you claim that you are done with the show yet you still continue to watch. So the producers of the show have no fear of not getting viewers no matter how stupid the claim the show has become.

Hold a minute now? This show is from a series of books? how come I didn't know this…

It constantly amazes me how maturely the actress playing Diane delivers her lines. They are so very believable.

I hear that. so very true

Can we get more of Diane, please