Anthony Rock

I know right… Diane is marvelous.

Only Diane could come up with something like that


I second that. Diane is a hoot. This show doesn't know the treasure it has in Diane. And here I was thinking Charlie was the only one scared of her.

I suspect it's just the writers' way of providing some comic relief that is focused on juxtaposing Vixen's disbelief and Mick's absolute belief in the existence or not of ninjas.

Well Greer wasn't irrelevant as we now know.

I like the interaction between Mick and Vixen. I hope they develop this. The two snipping at each other is fun.

Boring. This will be the first cancelled show

Glad Moffat is leaving- Good riddance

Kindly bring back Captain Jack. He's fun

Oh damn- say it ain't so!! I'm gonna miss her on Suits. Well come to think of it. I'll have to stop watching Suits now.

Yet "realistically" Samaritan was beaten…

Not quite. He should have been placed on a rack and quartered.

Why was that senator not killed?
Poor Reese - he went out in a blaze of not many people knowing what he did for them

Ah OK. Understand now

When did the machine win? i dont recall it winning any of the simulations

This was a meh episode. It does not live up to the previous episodes from start of season.

I didn't remember him at all. Logan and Harper I did, but Joey.. NAH!

Yeah I remembered. But I'm sure Greer killed her.

Finch's actions and lack of action have gotten many people killed. He deserves Samaritan putting a chip in his azz