Anthony Rock

He and Carter or he and Zoe had way more chemistry and they both understood who John was and what he has to do and the path he treds. Iris and her psycho babble would have grated on my last nerve.

The number of people who stopped to let Greer monologue instead of putting a bullet in his head was one of the weak points of this show I've always thought.

What is this Control thing you guys are talking about?

Fascinating. Thanks for the insight.

That attempted romance between Reese and Iris was ridiculous. Glad it didn't happen.

But Harold destroyed the tracker.

While it was good to see Team B, this episode still felt off.

It better be or I will stop watching.

The main reason I simply cannot stand SHIELD anymore.

Sorry Root was the one that got killed. It should have been Finch. Oh sorry, scratch that… I want Samaritan to put a chip in him.

Finch won't be able to do a darn thing to change the outcome. Samaritan will win because it and Greer are willing to be ruthless. Finch and the rest will get plugged with a couple rounds and die happy knowing they have held to their principles. The world can burn around them as long as they hold to their principles.

Was anyone discussing great TV? We were discussing the train wreck Scandal has become. You seem to think it has to be an all or nothing proposition when clearly it does not have to be. It was never even great TV in the first place to begin with. Good TV yes, perhaps very good TV, but certainly not great TV.

Already answered.

So Daisy's fighting Ward. She hears an aircraft and looks up in amazement and conveniently forgets that there is a dangerous lunatic behind her. Said lunatic of course knocks her out….

oh, Shaw is going to become a terminator. cool. Get your freak on Shaw. Terminate Harold and all of em, then ride off into the sunset with Bear.

Wasn't the blind spot just not to be able to recognize Reese, Root and Harold? I'm pretty such that's what that extra server Root placed was all about.
Well no matter, as soon as they finish programing Shaw, she can hunt em all down and exterminate them. Hope she leaves Harold alive though, so that Samaritan can

I don't recall ever seing the machine working overseas. The closest I recall is when it placed Reese on a plane. I know it tapped into international calls, but that's about it from what I can recall.

The Blacklist may not be quality TV, but at least it is logically consistent in its plots. Can't claim the same about Scandal.

Do you know about the Blacklist or POI or are you just googling them? Couplings have never been positioned as an important or major factor on any of those shows. Of course Carter died. What of it? Characters on those shows are supposed to die. Now if they died and came back to life season after season, then you

Glad this show got cancelled.