Anthony Rock

The 5-6 million who you claim have stopped watching can indeed be ignored. It is clear that they do not matter. The remaining 6 million is clearly what interests the ABC execs and Shonda. These viewers have kept the Scandal ship afloat to the extent that it has been renewed even as it continues to be a train wreck. No

I'm glad there's something for everyone or this world would be a dull place.

Root said she hacked the government feeds and provided it the access. I'm surprised that Samaritan isn't aware the Machine is back. It's not a matter of overthinking, I refuse to watch shows that insult my intelligence and have holes the size of the Grand Canyon.

I will have to admit right out the gate that I do not now or have ever watched much tv, but of those shows I have watched couples have been happy in their love and their relationships have thrived.

What point are you trying to prove? You clearly do not understand what the Blacklist is about. View the show from Red's perspective and his agenda and you may then understand what the core rationale of the show is about.

He's happy now , but for how long? Shonda seems to have a thing against happy thriving couples.

I suspect that will not be the case. Why should people tune into watch this one episode which was not going to be be any different from any of the other episodes? I suspect that is nothing more than excuse being used. Will that reasoning be the same used for the first episode of the new season as well?
I used to watch

IC. Hmmmm ….

Of course you cannot stomach the Blacklist - how could you, given that you can stomach Scandal? Say what you may about the Blacklist, but you cannot claim that it retcons characters, you cannot claim that practically every episode has holes as wide as the Grand Canyon, you cannot claim that episodes are illogical, you

Given that approximately 6.7 million people apparently watched the finale, and given that ABC has renewed it for another season, I suspect the show still has lots of viewers hooked on it no matter how idiotic and poorly written it continues to be. I dare say not everyone is officially done.

Lots of you comment about the shitfest Scandal has become yet you still tune in every Thursday to watch it. Why is it not obvious to you that Shonda does as she wills because she knows that no matter what crap she puts out, you people will still gobble it up. SMH.
Do like what lots of us have done and simply stop

Once again- I simply cannot believe that this is the last season for this brilliant show.
So from all appearances, Samaritan hiring more psychos. Well no wonder the Machine lost the War 2 based on Root's opening line from the start of this season. wonder if both destroyed the USA?

A shame this is the last season. Consistently excellent episodes shown week after week.

Finch and the machine knew that someone was creating another machine. They should have ensured that did not happen. Instead, we had Finch in episodes trying to reason with people who could not be reasoned with. He should have ensured John or Root or both put a bullet in Greer's ass. Because he was too weak to make the

I was referring to not killing the guy who ran Decima who built Samiritan.

Finch is an idiot. His bad decision making underpinned by ridiculous faux ethical dilema has resulted in an evil dictator basically running the USA and soon the planet. I hope the Decima goons dissect him and then put a chip in him so that he can play chess with Samaritan.

Lucifer has a Mum!?!! Oh gimme a freaking break!!! What's next? sister, aunt, brother in law, and a million hilly billy cousins?!

Will wonders never cease

This show is a bore. It won't last beyond one season. I've even stopped watching it.

If Lucifer and the detective hookup and become a couple I will stop watching. Right now, I'm enjoying Lucifer being a bad boy.