Anthony Rock

I probably will not be making any comments about Scandal. I have lost complete interest in that show.

Well goodbye Sleepy. It was fun for the most part.
I wish Ms. Beharie and Mr. Mison the best of luck.

Thank you so very much. I got in without any problems

Well I hope you made your feelings known. How about you make mine known for me? How does one get on this advisory panel?
I was a firm advocate for Scandal.
I stopped watching Scandal after the again break up of Fitz and Liv and the abortion episode.
I will not be back.

Yep that's the one. I've corrected it

I ship Joan and that mob boss woman

I ship Shelock and Moriaty

Shelock and Watson Ship does not work

I ship Archer and Lana

Sounds perfect to me. Let's have at it then

i guess we'll have to see how long it lasts. It's just not hitting the right notes for me. I'm giving it one more episode… If after 3 episodes it still doesn't grab me, I will kick it to the curb.

And that would be a bad thing, why?

Well, that's just it. I thought S1 Arrow was great. Then we got half sister, dead girl friend who wasn't dead becoming a fighter and sister of not dead girl friend becoming a fighter and all the soap operaish plots… and I was done with Arrow.

This show isn't working. I suspect it will be cancelled soon

Love this show. One of only four that I watch. Sherlock's quips are still funny. I hope his father doesn't leave. The two together in a scene is a thing of beauty

Diane is a gem. Bow's mother is hilarious

One of the very few shows that I watch - Anthony Andereson continues to over act as always, but Diane was hilarious.

She may certainly want this, but we the viewers can hit her where it hurts can't we?

They know where their bread is buttered.

It is pretty obvious that quite a few of the viewers are intellectually challenged. The reason perhaps why so many episodes have so many holes and why the show's cannon is so flexible.